Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry comprised of three phrases.

Traditional haiku uses 17 syllables (5:7:5) but contemporary haiku in English often ignores this rule. A haiku is typically about nature, the earth and the natural world and are designed to be thought-provoking. These original haiku poems are by Anthony Rutledge and are mostly written in the contemporary free style format.

There are over 2,000 Haiku on this site in ten different themes: Australian, Beach, Garden Sundial, In the Mirror,Kimono,Motherhood,Ships and Oceans,Spring,Windjammers and Miscellaneous.

just now
the creaking roof,
the windowed rain, the winds
around the fire, our books
to pass the hours, the sound of her
first yawn

late mail
from distant lands,
the perfumed page, her joy
inside the words, the towns
along the way, the need to see
still more

fogs have
their secret place,
the peeling shed, the rose
between the thorns, the shade
beside the path, the space that fills
old cars

the birds
that peck the earth,
the vacant street, the girl
who grooms her horse, the sun
on glints of cars, the scent of winds
passed here

past bars
apes grin, cuddle,
their beg for nuts, the groom
for biting fleas, the chase
around the mates, the milk for one
new born

some men
must test the real,
the naked monk, the snow
feeding the stream, the Zen
sitting in it, the hour to watch
his pain

death brings
the last long sleep,
the gentle pull, the breath
that leaves the room, the peace
the loss desires, the way to be
soon whole

fly high
you migrant geese,
the season‘s change, the call
to father-lands, the stars
that guide the minds, the winds have brought
you far

the sounds
an island makes,
the swishing palms, the gulls
in fights for food, the rush
of curling waves, the laughs of two
out deep

dull minds
these pigeon things,
just pecking seeds, the coos
inside the nests, the heads
they bob to walk, I king of skies
eat birds

fierce brained
the steel green eyes,
the pacing gait, the cage
around the stench, the snarl
between the teeth, the loss of all
you know

she gives
slow watchful eyes,
the contained smile, the blink
that knows your touch, the hair
in falls to hide, the clues to some
past hurt

suns fade
the childhood things,
the gingham dress, the hat
that names the school, the sash
the swimmer won, the music sheets
from class

in thoughts
the swaying swing,
the lighted porch, the smile
of the first kiss, the lives
we talked to share, her curls of hair
I smell

with mists
come silent things,
the egg warm nests, the mould‘s
slime of the leaves, the thrust
the mushrooms make, the sun on dawn‘s
first hour

with mists
come silent things,
the egg warm nests, the mould‘s
slime of the leaves, the thrust
the mushrooms make, the sun on dawn‘s
first hour

last tree
still sunset red,
the birding cats, the swing
the child kicks high, the kite
above the park, the smell of meals
come night

don‘t look
and yet you must,
the smoking tyres, the calm
before the smash, the eyes
that stare you back, her pig-tail head‘s
first jolt

spring grows
just four green things,
the bursting buds, the grass
the sparrows peck, the moss
stains to old trees, the love of each
first kiss

to waste
be wild with drink,
the rakish talk, the struts
into the bar, the scorns
I turn to fights, till one by one
they fall

beach fizzed
with slapping waves,
the sea-weed smells, the yells
inside the wind, the crowd
in gathered boats, the fight to save
all whales

come with
fallen gold leaves,
the hearty soups, the greys
that stretch to days, the smells
walks bring in rain, the dews that shine
silk webs

full sun
on glass top lake,
the laddered Pines, her hand
behind the boat, the lunch
spread on damp grass, the wine we drink
still cool

the praying Mantis
so stiff
in its praise to dawn.
potter's wheel
spinning the earth
from clay to vase
seven line test four.

the praying Mantis
so stiff
in its praise to dawn.
potter's wheel
spinning the earth
from clay to vase
seven line test three.

the praying Mantis
so stiff
in its praise to dawn.
potter's wheel
spinning the earth
from clay to vase
seven line test two.

the praying Mantis
so stiff
in its praise to dawn.
potter's wheel
spinning the earth
from clay to vase
seven line test one.

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