Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry comprised of three phrases.

Traditional haiku uses 17 syllables (5:7:5) but contemporary haiku in English often ignores this rule. A haiku is typically about nature, the earth and the natural world and are designed to be thought-provoking. These original haiku poems are by Anthony Rutledge and are mostly written in the contemporary free style format.

There are over 2,000 Haiku on this site in ten different themes: Australian, Beach, Garden Sundial, In the Mirror,Kimono,Motherhood,Ships and Oceans,Spring,Windjammers and Miscellaneous.

living elderly--
not helpful
to correct the young

living elderly--
in lightning
a trellis of roses

living elderly--
my home's most worth
the breath of mornings

living elderly--
a lily out
out of the pond

living elderly--
a whiskey in the yard
sipped with the moon

living elderly--
falling in love
with twilights

living elderly--
the Universe has written
my poems before I start Re: Sarah Kay

living elderly—
a grey day
solar lights around the garden

living elderly—
dripping spears of icicles
such little sun

living elderly—
the hado~ cherry blossoms
windless and floating

living elderly—
drenching rain
a child stares from the car port

living elderly—
overnight snow
bringing the birds in with my seeds

living elderly—
listening in the silence
no one talks to

living elderly—
strolling more in the street
when red leaves gather

living elderly—
the sundial and I
in a flash of lightning

living elderly—
in the naked tree
two webs stringing dew

living elderly—
the light in rock pools
letting the tides pass over

living elderly—
overnight storm
drips in the sound of puddles

living elderly—
to a dark dream
the song birds first out of dawn

living elderly—
in grandma‘s garden
their comforts of jam and scones

living elderly—
needed saving from the sun
my many ripe tomatoes

living elderly—
the sun on a blue lake
far out at sea

living elderly—
fragrant open rose
the garden Buddha sniffing, too!

living elderly—
curling up as butterflies
autumn leaves of gold

living elderly—
a mirrored pond
the dragonfly riding a reed

living elderly—
a hummingbird floats
in a shimmer of light

living elderly—
the silver fox evading
the moons through the trees

living elderly—
footprints on a lone beach
walked to the sea

living elderly—
the front gate bending flowers
the old dog home

living elderly—
prancing into the yard
a white moth brings more green

living elderly—
a winter‘s morning;
in empty mist the sole drips

living elderly—
rain on the beach sand
unable to float the whale

living elderly—
blown from the sand dunes
on the sea winds they came from

living elderly—
the hen house on his patch
the red fox steals to

living elderly—
the sinking sun stays
in the photo behind her

living elderly—
now, blown by autumn
clouds in and out of the trees

living elderly—
obeying me—yet
nameless to the dog

living elderly—
the weathervane‘s creak
making nights colder

living elderly—
a still bright blue
the smoke of autumn streets away

living elderly—
my peach tree fruits…
the neighbour‘s house after their fire

living elderly—
blocking the knee pain
with thoughts on a rest

living elderly—
the river Gum‘s last year
to shadow the moons

living elderly—
in the moon on a breeze
Jasmine escaping

living elderly—
autumn flutters
to my shoulder, to my book

living elderly—
a line of street lights
but the red fox his dodging way

living elderly—
our yard under snow
the pet‘s plaque—named

living elderly—
through autumn stillness
the fenced crow—piercing

living elderly—
arranging red apple slices
on a square white plate

living elderly--
the thick morning fog
came in and stayed , as if nothing

living elderly--
picking the last grapes
before autumn rains

living elderly--
some moonlight must sink
into the pond

living elderly--
suddenly awake
a distant dream pulled shut

living elderly--
asleep in a canoe
my lines being tugged

living elderly--
into a great silence
the spout of a whale

living elderly--
honeysuckles giving lonesomeness
a scent

living elderly--
the stretch of a kite
at the length of its string

living elderly--
the barn owl folding
some moon in its wing

living elderly--
who from which star
may see us alone

living elderly--
the momentary rose
in a crystal vase

living elderly--
fluttering the beauty it brought
the second butterfly

living elderly--
neighbours commute
to the same bus times

living elderly--
only me on the rose bed
to dig the sunshine in

living elderly--
how the apples grow
enough leaves to shade

living elderly--
in the quiet on a brook
the silver moon

living elderly--
scenting the rain washed by it
the white rose

living elderly--
their crunch SO delights
autumn leaves across the lawn

living elderly--
in the eucalypt shadows
I melt

living elderly--
once in a blue moon
the moon on well-water

living elderly--
through mists of morning
the busy street outside

living elderly--
through the bedroom door
on rusted hinges

living elderly--
this cottage is enough
in the moonshine

living elderly--
Lord!! such sunset fire
orange clouds with golden tips

living elderly--
a lily out of the pond
out of itself. Re: Nick Virgilio.

living elderly--
still in a twilight
to understand dreams

living elderly--
their family visits
like returning home

living elderly--
the seeds in the waves
fizzed into shore

living elderly--
the baby smells
toddlers carry

living elderly--
around the leafless trees
I hear the dog scatter

living elderly--
summer afternoons
in and out of , the days at school

living elderly--
listening to a silence
where the tree fell

living elderly--
the contrary child
turning their corner

living elderly--
a sunset leaving
in wrinkled clouds

living elderly--
the sun lowers into
the lives beyond

living elderly--
the sundial ticks
under passing clouds

living elderly--
a crow paces
the leafless tree

living elderly--
the old dog returns
from his park

living elderly--
the whoosh geese bring
into the water

living elderly--
wishes somewhere
thrown in a fountain

living elderly--
no one special
for just growing up

living elderly--
between the nights
all the necessary eggs

living elderly--
the bird-seed flutters
I stand alone in

living elderly--
oozing on the peach tree
hailstone bruises

living elderly--
in one spring nap
the Gum trees bud

living elderly--
magpies on the fences
to and fro

living elderly--
how fragile
grandkids hug

living elderly--
the fragrant moments
of winter rains

living elderly--
a fledgling on the lawn
its pink mouth to feed

living elderly--
which of those stars
seems more alone

living elderly--
only the moonlight reads
my Tarot cards

living elderly--
on reflections
moonshine bends of the river

living elderly--
a rocker creaking
the bones in it

living elderly--
with winter thawing
down the streams to the sea

living elderly--
winter blowing
all the light ‘til evening

living elderly--
the honey jar spreading
sunlight on toast

living elderly--
the garden tool rust

living elderly--
snow clouds
my eyes losing their faces there

living elderly--
autumn leaves ―‘_‘-‗
alone again

living elderly--
the son‘s last call
all about the divorce

living elderly--
the pen-pal letter again
in calligraphy

living elderly--
returning starlight
the mirror on the pond

living elderly--
the hour dawns take
to lighten the yard

living elderly--
the crescent scooping the sea
at moonrise

living elderly--
an owl hoot travelling
the wind

living elderly--
the power of the tides
returned to the earth

living elderly--
soul shapes
in the sky of gulls

living elderly--
the corrugated waves
the moons pull on

living elderly--
new dropped the foal struggles
with its life force

living elderly--
how the storms
stretch a rainbow

living elderly--
autumn wind on the pond
the mirror there … not there

living elderly--
a fledgling dives into
the sounds of its flight

living elderly--
the remains of a candle
yesterday‘s light

living elderly--
in wall to wall sounds

living elderly--
afternoons begin the leave
to shadows

living elderly--
a watched flower
unfolds to the rain

living elderly--
an afternoon heat
sniffed with the rain

living elderly--
a garden Buddha
the moonlight seeks

living elderly--
the moon face cracked
in a puddle of ice

living elderly--
all our years spent
as mostly water

living elderly--
to the patch of sun
a worn chair

living elderly--
first light opens
the dark dream rubbing my eyes

living elderly--
a scent in the night
spent among Pines

living elderly--
an owl‘s wing
leaving goodbye

living elderly--
butterflies mate
generations of eggs

living elderly--
how the wild geese migrate
from their father land

living elderly--
bread crusts
to the flaps of pigeons

living elderly--
to a great grandchild
great mystery

living elderly--
the old bent guy

living elderly--
leaves and me
with autumn

living elderly--
a walk through the garden
with empty hands

living elderly--
watching the sunset
pinpoint the stars

living elderly--
autumn falls
in the hearing of leaves

living elderly--
dust to dust
moved about the house

living elderly--
the returns of my breath
to the nearness of trees

living elderly--
in the breath of
the nearness of trees

living elderly--
in her Sunday pew

living elderly--
powering the pot plants
the moon moves on

living elderly--
the older songs
with all the words I know

living elderly--
stirred in the cups of tea
a leaf of mint

living elderly--
'A spring thaw'
I whisper to the dog

living elderly--
how silently
dawn colours

living elderly--
licking at the autumn leaves
a tongue of the flames

living elderly--
a wrinkled ocean
washed in the sun

living elderly--
I think about the autumns
as carpets of gold

living elderly--
I consider butterflies
created by love

living elderly—
a grey day
solar lights around the garden

living elderly—
close to the fish pond
the loudly croaking frogs

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