Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry comprised of three phrases.

Traditional haiku uses 17 syllables (5:7:5) but contemporary haiku in English often ignores this rule. A haiku is typically about nature, the earth and the natural world and are designed to be thought-provoking. These original haiku poems are by Anthony Rutledge and are mostly written in the contemporary free style format.

There are over 2,000 Haiku on this site in ten different themes: Australian, Beach, Garden Sundial, In the Mirror,Kimono,Motherhood,Ships and Oceans,Spring,Windjammers and Miscellaneous.

chandelier light
its weight outside
the mirror

last night's argument--
I go over myself
in the shaving mirror

clay bowl
should hold the water
the kiln bakes out

he brings some past
to the gramophone
Dad's vinyls

morning bird calls
and the child listening
stirred his heart in mine

lavender field
the bees and their nectars
in the quietness of light

sailing solo
along the horizon
he cannot see

snuggled up blankets--
the bird songs with me,
with me from first light

toe-turned steps
I say nothing else
to the dance class

at a mad wind
the weather-vane

out of our car
carrying the pails
of wild blackberries

a bonsai in a pot
at the front door
the soft light of winter

dusk being mauve
the varicose veins
of the winter trees

cracking the mud
at the end of it
the river drought

in troughs of the moon
swimming back

a man-made pond
the one small frog
taken in

campfire doused
the Universe's
blanket of stars

each new pupil
in the ink stains
of others

August nights
the pond's mist in
the hiccups of frogs

garden shed
from my drawer of bulbs
which tulips will answer earth

woollen gloves
she brings snow flakes home
on her long-loose-hair

our dogs bring scents
of their morning run
seaweed beach

new curtains
out to their necks
in spring breezes

his age past worried
with gardening

saying nothing
of the sunset fire
until it finally dies

in the breath of trees
a dawn's orange glow
becoming blue

dirty underfoot
the puddle
mirrors some roses

the creaks of the garden
rust over rust

the bars of tree roots
a river Pike

walking to work
Autumn falls
on my shoulder

waterfall spray
Laurel's fly away hair
on my face

the dawn moves
in long shadows
my shadow

ripe boysenberries
behind the leaves
a long reach

between clouds
migrant geese

dawn opens
my split dreams
with bird songs

moon on the snow
the scent a fox brings
to the breeze

stars on the lake
a summer galaxy
the swans push aside

sun on my back
a reflected
puddle's rose

in a fire
apart from the future
everything is lost

in the high country
a feather worked loose
of an eagle's dive

still out of sight
the rising voice
of a waterfall

he watches her
the climbing roses

free from the earth
the butter-pan sizzles
of our mushrooms

her herbs
scenting the garden
scenting the rain

afternoon heat
the scents and foams
of the ferry's wake

backyard Oak
I whittle on a copy
for our mantelpiece

a crow's ruffle
whooshing up the quiet
behind me

piebald cat
licking her black spots
in the shade

our heads down
the whoosh of a crow
here and gone

old girl next door
her plastic rake broken
among the Autumn leaves

this leaning road
to a distant valley
in the breath of trees and home

counting to myself
under our sun creams--
the freckles at Laurel's nose

the pen-pal posted...
those deeper thoughts
I wanted to write

chicken gizzards
thrown to the others
as a dark treat

treading water
a Pike plucks bugs
from the tree shades

shaped by the river
not feeling it pass--
a trout in sunlight

origami class
shaping my thoughts
to the quietness it brings

Apple orchard
this water in morning dew
once could think as I do.

slap of the sails
a whale's eye
moves near.

against his will
the parrots in the corn.

with all the unrest
of leaves

Latin rhythms
freeing my feet...
the dance class

naked Oak
one leaf unbothered
before spring

garden cactus
popping her balloon
the birthday one

beach party
across the camp fire

needing teeth
with the cracked shells
she returns to a tree

sunset sinks
seedlings still answer
to earth

night drizzles
still to rise to the light
to fall again

strange dream...
still time
to dawn songs

a crescent moon
still upright
to the sea

first light
over the river stones
a canoe--- loose

afternoon winds
the mother's kittens
ambushing leaves

crows swear in long oaths
hills rivulet the storms out
and dawn becomes light

tropic isle
I cannot know
which seeds may copy

under the dog's tail
park saplings

against the wind
her kimono's
autumn leaves

summer twilight
what perfumed sprays
are the hosed roses

another couple
slow to pass
our frangipanis

post box
the pen-pal letter

midnight snack
job interview clothes
over the chair

spring showers
the whole street of bottle-brush
drips drips drips

and before breath, dead
the ewe bleats for her un-young
then returns to graze

one o'clock snack
in the fridge light
in the heat

the vanished owl
an after-image

falls and rustle
the backyard struggles
with autumn

frangipani street
under my nose
under my feet

a class of bonsai
I won't know
what the silence brings

phone texted
the daughter's divorce
she's bringing home

conversation ends
the log fire

from the attic
so many neighbours
searched by the moon

under the window
my rose the winds have yearned for
fights with a strong heart

coloured balloons
her birthday voices
for party friends

to start the picnic
the sun a boat we row in
your wind full blouse... loose

autumn leaves--
herding a cat
with a rake

bringing the island
to garden

fallen Gum
still the earth
to compost

her garden
still forget-me-nots
to walk through

first light
down to its horizon
in bird songs

rushing in
without a sound
spider legs

fire ash
still the past
to sift

shooting star
somewhere between
New Year and the morning

as I leave them...
Gum trees gathering
to sunset

child's play
on our summer lawn
raising grasshoppers

sunrise rains
out of the dark earth
untouched mushrooms

at start of day
over river smooth stones
a canoe... freed

north summer winds
flooding my lawns
to save them

midnight bats
still the fig seeds
to scatter

denting hail
still our cars
to be moved

sun tipped trees
still the butterfly
to move in leaves

sun tipped trees
still the snow ground
to walk home

stampede clouds
a lightning
joins the earth

backyard Maple
her bone naked autumns
of fifty years

beach dunes
the waves crash into
the sound of the gulls

butterfly farm
the ice-creamed child
begins our drive home

last sunlight
the weeds along the paths
I left to wither

I would compose
a butterfly riding
the nose of our dog

living alone...
grandmother lets
the autumn leaves be

mountain walk
butterfly come see with me
or find another!

the moon bent river
finding the heart
to a haiku

bury me at sea
with waves to become
not six foot fouled earth

sunset stretching ants
the wind burns so deep
road tar pulls at shoes

a sun rain-bowed crow
its long close fence caw
shatters all silence

his girl with some guy
what fierce reasons wake
that needs hate for both

biting mad road rage
suddenly erupts
from both cars in front

fallen from the tree
ripe fruits of figs split
and seeds trickle out

screeching clutching hawk
a wounded sparrow
its heart still a pump

panicked to running
the rabbit's lungs... burn
just ahead of dogs

lancing the forest
spring sun glints a wren
and a wren mating

spider suddenly
stirs and is bounding
to the blue fly's fight

unfolding sunlight
a patch of the lake
leaps out with salmon

face touching spider
what cold fears this thing
bars the way through trees

buried with flowers
in the caw of crows
his weight of her loss

the hips thrust, spin, meet
in Latin rhythms
her dance floor Rumba

burning the future...
I search the house bones
nothing else to own

bewildered by smoke
he wakes with a yell
to red crackling breaths

lightning thumps and strikes
I don't know what plans
makes This tree explode

his green eyed monster
hid and went stalking
till they drive home late

morning chorus
that shiny old crow
.... rasping

reading haiku
beside them
a perfectly small bug

the sun
in a mirror
returning the light

from the bone winter trees
the caw of a crow

shattered near his leg
under a car tyre
the old man's cane stick

blue with desert pools
the drought dry thin stock
he shoots through their eyes

in gull huddled winds
sand stings our eyes
our prints swept to sea

while the stars birthday
with just flesh and bone
my mind's their matter

honey trickled toasts
her taxi's good bye
charges the kitchen

mad December night
denting car yard hail
to start the week's sales

grandma's lunch
her pain knuckled hands
setting the table

between the trees
a tiger moth
climbs the sunbeam

grey mist
late in the dawn
with no movable parts

the garden gate
closes after me
brushing Frangipanis

car-tyre swing
grandpa's the hand
that moves us

in the light of each other
fill our sky

sunset mirror
the geese push aside
the light of the lake

plucking roses
from the moon

of homework and nights...
of books at the table
in ink-well stains

flame trees in the park...
yet to fall
as red snow

lightning flashes--
there! in the tree!
a crow stares back

honey jar opened
flowers out the window
in a breeze

gold-rush town
broken shadows
perfectly still

sun bright pond
a carpet-snake
flat out to drink

school auction
buying the desk
with my initials

daily walk
some Frangipani
stopped in... breathed in

drawn up
for retirement
a road trip

on her leather lounge
my feet touching the carpet

another bud
on the climbing rose
back fence this evening

for a chirp
magpie egg

red leaves
tumbled to the lake
sinking with others

the sudden shadow
of a hawk to the tree
we crouch down under

raising the bucket
a black eel swims
in bright well water

the summer sunrise
as it heats, is a mirror
on the wide flat sea

on a swaying branch
the crow's arrival
meets my eyes with hers

school exams
skywriting on the window
a bi-plane

selling jars of honey
given to friends

a year passed...
father says
mum's herb garden needs work

on the window shelf
dried to fill
ten honey jars

I know only
needing the bush fires
most Gum trees will blossom

I know only
after the rain
some strawberry plants will fruit

dropping a pebble
down the well
a brown moth springs out

late for school
skimming pebbles
on the lake near home

sunset river
a fallen Gum drifts
slow as the breeze

gold in the sunshine
gold in itself

from the first light
my ears hear only
the bell-bird's tinkle

long drought
the small frog cry
at its end

these starry nights
just the Big Bang expanding

no magpies care
... if mornings
I must join quietly

mangrove tide
a silent movie
surrounds the strutting heron

a beach stroll
the crab claws
just under foot

late afternoon
in the hole of a fallen eucalypt
her daughter

through the low country
magpies bathing
in pot holes of rain

her lips speaking purple
across the table

snail bait
unable to defend
tonight's strawberry dessert

starfish fingers
can only wag
at the gull's attack

morning hello
the coffee foam
smiles on her lips

not timid with any tomatoes
for years now

paperbark tree
a roughhouse
to the ants' way home

her gurgles answer
the crack of an egg

all of the gulls
he left fish heads

swishing flies
the Jersey
ends in an udder

two girls enter
the wall of fog

midnight moon--
far out of town
the rail line--shining

ignites Laurel's face
I speak to

summer heat
the sunset shatters
the mirror at sea

netting them
is as flirtatious
as butterfly wings

shaping the sounds
walked ahead

being alone...
I don't wave
the school children pass

flap of winds
the scarecrow's
faded coat

black hay-filled
scarecrow's coat
in the tall corn winds

my murder novel
in the windchimes

interstate railway
the same menus
we dine from

on any grass
I can hear
the frost break

on any frost
I can feel
the grass break

on any shore
I will find them
rock pools of moon

Gum trees
lightening the thoughts
I drive home in

Mum's heat
drawing on life
to crack its egg

full moon
drawing the sea
to rock pools

start of day
in the pond
the light of a frog's leap
Re: Basho'

autumn moves--
plastics making a dump
of rustled leaves

Laurel's startle
turns to darkness

praising dawn--
a magpie
the first soprano

in no songs
can the magpie tell
joys desert

in her songs
the bird has no joys
to darken

holding the memory
I hold
the kid's tree house

moths just know
to circle the street lights

rain drizzles
the camp site--
the school holidays too

cellar wines--
I cannot tell
what age brings

Pacific rim
a sailboat
its future at the edge

following Father
to a future in honey

bee hive
I cannot count
the flowers

summer breeze--
to a holiday house
a seagull calling

dodging them
should avoid the sunbeams
in Dad's old shed

strong winds
seagull cries
there! not here!

in the picnic
the freckles dotting
Laurel's nose

in the picnic--
I never heard before
how she speaks my name

beyond us--
sunset steams
the sea with fire

geese bottoms-up
one last feed
before crossing a sea

the white lie
seen in my eyes
she sits--reflecting

a salmon
opens the hole
the dragonfly fights

in the park
dogs telling
through their tails

spring fogs
the ewes private
in birth

sunset sinks
I can not paint
the remainder

caravan park--
in the sea winds
the sun drowns

crossing the river
I feel for
invisible stones

cars on the bridge
a lightning
snuffs out the lights

her breath on the window
she fingers with

our shooting party--
a kangaroo
licks my wound

in the rain
I should not point out
the weeds she left

ghost town
a white horse
as we drive out

twin lakes
a duck dives in
the light of water
Re: Basho'

wet weekend
the cicadas
hold back their cries

cake forks down--
our Grand-aunt
contradicts our Mother

road trip
the Southern Cross
all our way home

the trams in light--
the midnight rain

sun danced
in the river
the stones we used to cross

how visibly
is Laurel changed
out of the waterfall

cutting herbs
I find I am back
to Mother's meals

in the earth
who can tell
the future of a seed

freezes the moons
the puddles hold

the ankles
your sari
brushes on stairs

brushing slowly
sounds as it is
the moon in Laurel's hair

sea colouring
the sunset's
orange juice

autumn blows
found in the leaves
the rake rusting

ebbing marsh
I know so well
the pelican's spiral

our shrinking town--
would sound better
in a single's dance

the front fence
in birthday balloons

art supplies
her pencils
draw the sun

a heart's arrow--
on the Gum tree
on the river

the beach party
leaves together

a moth starts
its future as a spider

hearing geese--
who honks loudest
leads home

I reach out
the frog leaps to
the hole in water
Re: Basho'

in head lights--
crossing a bridge
Pines only above the mist

nursing home
I can't find out
who cleans father

the moon--
desires to caress
Laurel's back

fruit salad lunch
an orange peeled
spray of blindness

leaving for work
the sunrise's
golden leaves

rain forest
greening the face
a child sees through

all one time
the hour glass

abandoned farm
the windmill
turning rust

in the corn
I can't say
who rides through

last train
a sleep broken
by the steel in the bridge

back home
once in a blue moon, the moon
on the verandah

country hotel
the bikies wearing
their colours in

their sashaying
I follow to the barn

buzz ing ing ing
the fruit-bat echoes

the cattle-man stops
his sweat polished horse
flicking flies

no wind sounds
just the willows dangle in
the lazy river

moon as the lace moves
on the open window...
oh! Laurel is talking

seeing home
brightens the stream
she drives through

autumn leaves
the wet road's
sliding bend

out the window
she cannot love
her birding cat

surf's up
the waves roll
the sunsets in

honey comb
tastes of the red Gum
tastes of the bee

it is not known
the panic in it

a growing wind
the kindergarten sand

scooping stars
should sweeten our coffees
from the river

lighten the moods
I wake from

in these stones
I cannot find
the grains rain can

the lime bikini blonde
drips some surf on me

peeling an orange
the tears his jealousy

from home
to a lover's touch
your car beside mine

my smart phone
when wet and naked

within the hailstones
on another pond

the morning shower

I steam open her letter
in an un-known hand

out of pain
he views the surgery
from above

being in fog
yet by afternoon breeze
sunflower touching sunflower

changing the tune
his trumpet had---
the attic

afternoon heat
the crow tastes vodka
in the drink can

sliced ripe tomatoes
the juice I hosed in

Laurel's voice
crowded in the room
by new arrivals

the other swing
free to the wind

second day at school
her hand goes
to another

her breaking mirror
scatters us
to where we are

quietly moving

in my palms
her engagement ring

lost apples
the scent of their ciders
fermenting the earth

in the wind
plastics making a dump
of autumn leaves

after the divorce---
my old dog wagging
needs a belly rub

a frog leaps
before the sound
the light of the water
Re: Basho'

her songs--
I don't know from the bird
all her generations

my dream struggles
in a river

the grunts
my wood chopping bounced
from the tin shed

the way thermals
raise an eagle

ice melt
a patch of river
jostles to move on

just visible
the breaths of Laurel
from the movie---home

Zen garden
on the un-coiled hose
the dew...beads

end of day
the hawk's wings
folding up

all at once
grandma's rocker in the wind

most hands quickly cover
their poker cards

shrinking village
not a Saturday night
where the singles dance

from the forest...
with a new straight cane
to walk home

summer vacation
I walk daily
in the fragrance of Jasmines

a horse crossing--
the pebbles after
in the river

horse crossing
the river shifts
on its pebbles

stepping in
the stream should feel
alive with pebbles

red traffic light
the cup of hot coffee
from its holder

wet Sunday
the boathouse
at the bend of the river

twilight walk--
in every rain puddle
leaving the moon

with the autumn winds
the sounds of Gum leaves

the horizon's
black cloud-head

whitens the headlights
my truck sees through

our orange sunrise
adding its chirps
the sparrow near me

old hay-filled
scarecrow's coat
in the tall corn wind

old gold-rush town...
afternoon crow calls
sifted by the wind

country hotel
through the open window
hearing the trees move

from the storm
the stampede of cattle
distant thunder

from the old girl
her magpies pecking
marmalade toast

burning leaves
the daughter's giggles
whenever the winds shift

wheat harvest
the quiet of nights here
has a purpose

reflecting me
an old man
where the shore birds stand

gnarled old tree
its last season
to fill our apple pies

front door slam--
the school children finding
our warm peach pie

Laurel feels tickled
by the snow melt
in open palms

on our swimming pool
rains too
of the blue Jacaranda

down spirals
to ebbs of the tide
the bay's pelicans

a misty rain stops--
a butterfly enters
the door of our train

shooting ducks
one drowns
before the retriever bites

forest walk
my fear faced
in the spider webs

its orbit contriving
the ebb of tides

the rain stopped---
the ants being rushed
by the sunshine

half-drowned in the weir
crayfish feelers
at the tops of my legs

an alley cat
moves with the umbrella
in the rain

in stars
two fireflies here, no there
over the pond

her shed skin
rolls slowly in the wind

holiday house
the air of the town
it breathes by the sea

summer roasts on---
a minute if rain

cave mouth--
an eagle cries in
the lift from mountains

first summer storm
so affirming
I merely stroll home

the boathouse key
on a wet weekend

on the wettest weekend
magpies full of songs
to wake me

Mum next serves
plates full of
apple pie on cream

lazy midday
all the river is
rests on its shadows

dance class tonight...
my thoughts all month
of more under-arm spray

the rush inside the storm
---only this motel door
to look out

such is wind
the burnt Pine

the river Gum

alone I saw it...
the Gum in the wind, fall,
to the sun on the river

the eucalypti
the season of rings

she looks back---
the child like I faced
a kindergarten gate

sound travels
for no special purpose
a magpie wakes me

blanket snow
a bellbird
tinkles the air

freezing ears--
over blankets of snow
a bellbird...tinkles

how the life in the Gums
turn into rings

the summer's third moon
a whale feeding bub
where the river enters the sea

fire station
the national flag flaps
--they are all out

the almost new long red coat
of the scarecrow

winter morning web
a spider's face
hangs with the dew

magpies sing
through the streaks of dawn
the first bus comes

where magpies nest
the gurgle a mother gives
to their rest

roses from Laurel's soap
fills the mist

where the drought runs

silent night
to the moon on the pond
a bat swooping to sip

close swooping eagle--
the young rabbit just now
bolts and scampers

garage door
the stray's litter
slinks from our headlights

eucalyptus bones--
the zigzag cracks
in the river mud

dust storm
stealing the farm's top soil
out of our hands

hoar frost--
through the hanging icicles
a magpie--- sings

blue-skies drought--
waiting in the Gum trees
buds under their bark

I paddle... they paddle
our counties shared
with migrating geese

honey bees
in the red flowering Gums
the air hums with scent

letter box--
finding on the wire fence
sunlight through the dewdrops

dairy machines
the cows low to
the sound of the suckles

the boy's stick pokes---
rushing the ant hill
out of itself

summer winds
the inflated scarecrow
stranger to the crows

late midday
overcoming a fog
the sunflowers shine

Aquarius stars
out of endless space
no comfort to my birthday

after the drought
that first mirror
myself in a puddle

their tweets--
through the pack of sparrows
the bird-bath...fights

alone and along...
a beach ball
heading the wind

the ice drips and drips--
through dawn the singers
out of their plumes

cracking the pond ice--
a stallion alone
breathes out the frost

our rowing boat
caught in the reeds
a kookaburra laughs

the farm brook pushing
its sticks and stones---
first April showers

re-filling the radiator
kangaroos hop past---
one stares...as if such a thing!

the old man among the tides
takes off as a pelican--
as light as air

green pastures
udders filling
cud by cud

the swishing cow
her many darts of flies
brought to the barn

picking the river stones
to rest their migrations on

hair knots--
the salts of sea water
her Mum combs--through

still the quiet
to reach

a desert rain
still urgent
to seed

Zen garden
still the winds
to disorder

start of day
still colours
to turn clear

nursing home
still bonsai
to shape

still the future
to sweep

nude art
model's hair
still to brush

rose petals
still rain grown
to fall again

winter fog
still droplets
to the webs

deep autumn
still the Flame trees
to fall as snow

sea like thoughts
still in the dark
to sunrise

covered mushrooms
still autumn leaves
to feed more

crow arrives
still silence
to await its caw

spider webs
still beading the fog
to midday

moon tipped leaves
still to fall
to rustles

enough mist
still to sign
the window

what settles us down
sweet sixteen daughter
turning the porch light off

low hung fruit
feeling their weights
for our apple pie

the sunset rushing
I cannot paint
what still remains

underground trains
the airs' to and fro
around their blouses

a humming bird hovers
her stamina
each sip brings

swinging us out
and into the river
the lean of the eucalypt

her greetings
fly out to the car
home for Easter

night class
planning each small snip
of the bonsai

a leg bone knitting...
an afternoon nap
takes up time

so quietly it floats
the lemon Gum that lent
to the river

sudden red light
our car's soft rear

little garden helper
the splinter withdrawn
and kissed by Mum

rustlings in autumn
the naked surprise
of a white Eucalypt

cabin door
tea mug warm in my hands--
warm going down

ebb tide...
the seas and skies
of the rock pools

a frog plopped...
taking its sound
to deep water

late night party--
our neighbour today
shy on the stairs

just gone noon--
our unpacked picnic
on the gingham cloth

just above the slime--
a gentle breeze
lifts the gold leaf

along this track
in the tight wire fence
a half moon

moon lit skins
I hold from touching
her few freckles

the long pond ripples--
my under-arm flip
of the flat-stone

just plopped...
the pond gathered in
around a frog

tiny cascade
a rainbow bridged
across the stones

the lift jolts...
a little bob
of her pony tail

sunset lighting a spire
the last one

tent rains...
my hour of cards
in solitaire

we fished
right up to supper...
the campfire pan

heads up...
in the first rain drops

sunflowers in rain
the weeds I threw
onto the path

squawking in turns
at the sand storm
gulls in a circle

in mists...
the voices our bathroom has
for her songs

oil paints...
the bowl of fruits
before it corrupts

harvest town
early breakfasts for us
have a purpose

a bob-cat still in the bedroom
this morning

night breeze
a sunflower sweeps
against the brick wall

the moon-rise snakes
in slow curves
of the river

sundown ahead
turning the wind
to black

mountain eagle
I am the ears
who hears its cry

a little breeze
in its waves

eagle's feet
the one hooked

at dawn
the sing-songs raspy
of the crow's voice

new wallet
the daughter's photo
needing teeth

picnic spot
roaming riverside
the smells of our youth

clawed with winter
grandmother knitting
her pain

a sea of moon...
the shadows
my jogging passes

fallen Oak
its open grave
bathed in light

shedding rose...
sprinkled on the table
moonlight through a vase

I hear the wind telling
in autumn rustles--
no leaf returns exactly

on the lake
growing into winter
a top of mountain snow

river Gums
the sound a rope swing
carries me back

winter trees
their veins in the moonlight

in fog
the Mosque's last call to prayer
along our street

being alone
with the fog
our car on the bridge

sitting up straight--
the tuck-in sounds
at grandma's lunch

late sunset
a tiger moth brushes my face
in the shadows

being late
on the crunch of our gravel
a visitor calling

ebb tide
the life the gulls take in
from the rock pools

a pane of moonlight
plays with my cards

across temple grounds
the lawns pecked
around us

driftwood beach
mainly gulls mainly
in the curves of the sea

prints on the beach
tiny giggles
stepping into mine

dog refuge
in soft eyes
taking her home

in the torchlight
my door key turning

beach shack
staring at a sun-bucked sea
the gulls ride on

holiday house
opening this winter smell
to the windows

fresh pink paint
she asks
will her toy pram dry

by the drought
some Gum trees weeping

fairy tales
her fear to dream

guided to us
by the shifts of stars
migrating geese

a late picnic
the sunset's
polished lake

a lunch-time jog
the smells of the city

afternoon sun
airing for our party
her little black dress

so small in my arms...
I cradle the child
from bad dreams

a beach breeze
salt coats
all their parked cars

our drought
a few perfectly black clouds

beach walk
the smells of the ocean
it brings to the shore

shadows inching...
in the bone winter trees
a crow caws,caws,caws

sunset beach
a hover of seagulls
unafraid of our dogs

in sticks and stones
the same storm leaves
cover the street

first songs--
the stretched sunrise
searching in Gum trees

our blanket of stars
her pale skin near
in the camp light

the beach prints
I left this morning

breathing in
near to a perfect
mountain view

finished the climb
some of the cleats
we left in the rocks

rock climbing
every crevice
a foothold in time

the old man
with his fish and chips
huffs and puffs at seagulls

mating season
they watch the gang wars
these younger magpies

blue empty sky
my horse stooped
to the river puddles

my bread crusts
starting a turf war
of magpies

grey autumn showers
the sound of the leaves
softer now

cracked river
a girl retraces
her crossing

the whole day
in sounds of autumn
needing the wind

a bird bath, and
the hammer to crack
morning frosts

thought I'd drop into
her sick room...

Sunset sinks
a brumby splashes through the river
to the cool green hills.

Spring thaw
a sparrow puffed in its bath
at the pond's edge.

Her back-yard wedding...
how changed
has our daughter's play become.

Fallen sugar-gum
almost forgotten by the earth
being bathed in moonshine.

Apple trees
how gossamer under each
is the after-rain mist.

Folding wings
the geese's summer journey
has crossed the sea.

Stacked fire-wood
to defend her nest
the funnel-web's fangs.

Brushing the ferns
how the rainbows linger
over the waterfall.

A mountain trek
on the downhill side
two butterflies leading.

A dirt road
hearing the trees, their wheeze
I start my walk again.

Unexpected find these
love letters in a fire-place
behind this false wall.

Apple trees
saps drawing up a frost
from the fell earth.

The old man waits
free tomatoes on his fence
for any conversation.

Spring rain
then a bright yellow squeezing
out of the rose buds.

Family beach
with the lime bikini blonde
someone's pretty tot.

The wind is all winter
no gulls huddled
along the stinging sands.

Dim subway
young police
half bent over the bag-lady.

Swirling fogs
two trains at the road crossing
suddenly pass.

Tail swishing summer...
lazy with milk
our jersey to the old barn.

Covering the pillow
the dawn colours in
her long loose hair.

Sand castle
letting the children learn
how the sea takes.

Mountain view
one winding road
has left the valley.

Busy corner
a man's road rage
in his tight summer suit.

Apple orchard
the fruits turning cider
in the hot north wind.

Leafless vine
the spider thinks how to change
her web in the sun.

Drying farm
the silence of his moods
at the family table.

Letter box
the post man straightens
the old girl's fence.

Barn owl
seeing how lovers
are led by spring.

Long highway
the motel mirrors
with sounds behind.

High school
the fullness of bodies
chewing gum.

Spring breeze
Gums rubbing power poles
for any spark.

Kindergarten gate
a heart cries
a heart dies.

Sheep lambing
crows whet their beaks
on the barbed-wire fence.

Abandoned boy's home
and did I break a window
to scramble out.

Country hotel
the currawong calls
come free with breakfast.

Tea brews
among the patio ferns
grandmother's talk.

eye to eye
the tears of Gum leaf smoke.

Farm drought
one naked eucalypt so dry
it weeps.

Ghost Gum valley
silence but for
the stones of the stream.

Squatting in the fog
the silence of numbats
grooming their bushy tails.

Railway cross-road
the quiet grazing
of the stockman's cattle.

Eucalypt valley
lightning bright enough
for the Gum leaves tremble.

Telephone line
with the laughs of kookaburras
to something just heard.

the impulse to scrub
the sweat from my clothes.

Old Labrador
in the middle of a dream
that I tip-toe past.

Father looks away
so soon all her good-byes
from her wedding party.

listening to the wipers
clear the windscreen.

Below sound
but the bull-ants have found
the fallen fledgling.

Farm drought
only the bore-water trough
to keep the sheep full.

Dairy farmer
calling the girls in
before the morning heat.

Bell birds
piano practice leaves
the little girl's hands.

Rainbow bee-eater
how fast the buzz grows
among the wildflowers.

Red flowering Gum
how the cicada has quietened
in the boy's dirty hand.

After the storm
in leaves
wattle birds making rain.

Wife moving close...
near the end of the wedding
their nervous vows.

Kid's first circus
then the fall-down sad-face
bike-ride of the clowns.

Sudden noise in the wind
the start of a dream
I'll never see finished.

Country hospital
about four beds counted
for the up-turned bus.

Antique shop
rings in the table top
showing the maple's age.

Pointing up
she says shooting star
with a lisp.

Hanging her wash
the young wife looks over
towards the city.

Tourist town
exchanging trinkets
outside the gift shop.

Kookaburras laugh
no need to look up the river Gums
for a reason to smile.

Rainbow lorikeets leave
the sugar-gum breeze...
a feather floats.

the barn owl turning
to our embrace.

Lace curtains
so many full moons
to the pretty tot's eye.

waiting around his yard
headstones in moonlight.

Winter wind
the beach artist washing
his hands in the surf.

Sunlit hills
the hawk and shadow
squeeze their prey together.

River picnic
soaking our blanket
with yesterday's rain.

raked leaves loosened
then the lizard's eye.

Laying bricks...
no escape
the dog wants their daily walk.

Pond reeds
through the half slanting sun
a dragonfly race.

Express train
forget-me-not petals
loose on the platform.

Train whistles
the snow quiet town
closed for the night.

Dining table
daggers of light
the silver moon.

on this beach full of stars.

His short apology,
and how the chocolates after
cling and cling.

Antiques shop
grandmother's lilac scent.

White with moon
the lowing cattle
wet with rain.

Parrot feather
plucked from the breeze
rain in my palm.

First light
glittering the hallway
with our dust.

Ceased rowing
Laurel's hand swirls the leaves
around us.

lime-stone caves
another tiny drip.

The same direction
eagle wings
in the sound of the wind.

of the harbour storm
wrestling boats.

Bus stop seat
a brown bite
in the red apple.

The chill that showers
sprinkle over me...
sick friend's garden.

Naked flame-trees
the park's ankle-deep leaves
rustle and gather.

Tomato stakes
how bent the bamboo
with tennis-ball fruits.

The tide returns...
driftwood stays
breaking waves.

Closing fog
the willow drips
sounds of the river.

Winter is all grey
blinking in the drizzle
harbour lights.

Bell bird
refills the emptiness
of a whitening fog.

City rain
cars on the bridge
cocooned in their lights.

River rafting
in and out of the white foam
to the other side.

The sheep mob nibbles...
a mother dumps her new toy
and inspects it.

Dumped on earth
the foal finds
its long legs shaking.

Midday walk
up the steep hill
a dragon fly clicking past.

Harvester starts
the first cloud of diesel
into the wheat field.

Turning the corner
first warmth of spring
along the hallway.

Dawn spreads
a cowbell tinkles
to the milk shed.

Weight lifter
his tattoos strained
by the bar-bell.

Spring warms
more bird twitters
through the window.

Earth birth
the dewy lawn thrusts
her mushrooms out.

Thunder claps
the plum tree shakes
its blossoms out.

Shower mist
following her into
the frangipani scents.

The winds ruffle
a magpie gurgles
into her eggs.

Afternoon showers...
a bustle of wagtails
about the front yard.

Frozen lizard's
crawl to the sun
thawing her , thawing her.

Winter's last
gentled by the bleat
of spring lambs.

Playful !! maybe not
in and out of the pond's reeds

The Ibis are old men
moseying , meddling
in the mud bay shallows.

From the wood bridge
we cross by daily
the diving school-kids.

Splattering bird-bath
they ignore the woman's stance
bent to enjoy them.

Probing novelties
from the mud bay shallows
the old men Ibis.

The beach roasts
a blonde passing
drips sea on my skin.

Without the others
what pleasure is in one
blue curling foaming wave.

Tool shed door
so many wood shavings
gathered by the wind.

Goldfish tank
their lips move in and out
of the ceiling.

Dawn spreads
gulls manning
the beached canoe.

Debutante ball
with chrysanthemum
white smiles.

Hang glider
swirling out of the sun...
the child's eyes follow.

Where clouds would be...
taking a while to leave
my envy of the wild geese.

It happened last night
grape vine just old enough
pregnant with buds.

In the dead of night
train whistles
connecting the towns.

The telescope gift
no one comes to...
Saturn and its rings.

Bubbling the bridge's
shady river
brown polished stones.

In a few tomato cartons
old books
untouched in the garage sale.

How furiously
the tiger moth entangles
the circle of silk.

Campfire ceiling
no spaces found yet
for any new stars.

Finding a shadow
the platypus frightened
by another canoe.

Tourist resort
choosing our memories
from the post-card rack.

Park sunshine
in the shrinking rain puddle
an empty swing.

Cleaner than the others
a rain puddle
looking back.

Scarlet forest
sunset slanting
through the ghost gum leaves.

River crossing
still on the edge
the brumby's nerves.

Farm drought
only the rain water tank
giving the crows shade.

We drive home late
trucks racing trucks
throughout the rain.

Mind full
our tom cat stepping
behind the magpie's warble.

Tin roof
the sleeplessness
of leaves in the wind.

Easily seen
yet the neighbour's son silent
in our mango tree.

Orchard kiosk
paying for our box of peaches
in their honour tin.

Carbuncle in the soil
the coming... the going...
of the bull-ant mound.

looking into the Gum tree
for the owl's hoot.

Country road
crossing in the moonshine
a flash flood.

Gate in the wind
to stop the noise
the neighbour's barking dog.

Following them down
on their frozen faces
the elevator jolt.

Nursing home
mistake after mistake
their faded tattoos.

so soon under his hammer
our family home.

Home from school
one smell from the kitchen
being fresh apple-pie.

Garden pond
the many turns in moonlight
of the golden carp.

Edge of the cliff
no moonlight
to the touch of a web.

the lazy river
in a wide brown flood.

My guitar riff
a breath of jasmine
has crossed the room.

Sunset darkens
nearly at the snake's young
the school boy's stick.

Old sailor home...
no escaping his tall tales
for the grandchildren.

The mountain fogs
a deer blurs

Tiny forest noises...
whose death call
comes tonight.

Orchard fog
the shapes apple trees make
being picked.

Reaching the full moon
the nearly straight fence
of barbed wire.

Wheat field
the urge to meander
in the waves of the wind.

Down ... and feathered
from the parrot's nest
our neighbour's cat.

Sunset sinks
the windmill dry-retching
into the drought.

Fig trees
the night's thunder shaking
some fruit bats out.

Going ... coming ... going
driftwood tossed
along the empty beach.

Treeless dirt road
the rosella keep bathing
in their pot-holes of rain.

Door slam
his loudly bruising finger
that mum kisses.

Water lilies
a duck under their skirts
feeling for snails.

Spider's sting
a life worth taking
the tiger moth.

The early worm turns ...
a magpie
scissoring half.

First snow...
a newcomer taking
our poker night wins.

Winter cabin
I roll the carrot rings
into our hot busy stew.

Tiny silent stream
the salmon's leap
from moon to moon.

the sound from some priest
forbidding my sins.

Old rain forest ...
down in the tall light
her ancient hidden potions.

Nylon dress
her hisses at lunch
reaching across the table.

Old boxed letters
someone longing
in my mother's voice.

Licking his whiskers
touched by them ...
the cat's sardines.

More than a child is
she carries
a bird from the road.

Cicada in the tree
becoming more like us
the child listens.

Interstate bus
near term she is settled
into both back seats.

At child's end
she nurses
a bird from the road.

The old couple
leaves raked
at autumn's end.

Farm drought
in the wrinkles tattooed
on both their faces.

Such blinding heat
just the shrill of cicadas
out of the dry north winds.

White frost
the rain puddle
making ice of the moon.

Used car yard
winter dinting us
with hail and rust.

Bedroom window
mirrored with dawn
a magpie pecking the magpie.

In the Zen garden too
a handful of compost worms.

Eucalypt forest
the sound of the wind
reshaping itself.

Skipping school
the cicada's racket
in the boy's tin can.

Beach pavilion
an Emperor moth and I
outwaiting the storm.

the Kelpie's dust scratched
into a sunbeam.

Swirls of snow
the mountain road tilts
with passing cars.

Aunt's visit
her hat feather's bob-bobbing
in our conversation.

Full udder ...
scratching her day's itch
on the old barn door.

Summer art class
our watercolours preserving
the rises of seeds.

Thunder rattles ...
the quiver of ferns
in their garden beds.

Lush carrot heads
I find the horse nibbling
what its lips came after.

Zen breathing
the last train home
in the lightness of sleep.

Sunset garden
the buzz from honeysuckles
has fled the day.

Frost in the hills
the cattle dogs mouthing-off
with their cloudy breaths.

Tripped by a log
half-way to joining the stars
the flash of my torch.

Street parade
leaving the balloons limp
midday summer heat.

Sunset beach
waves at the children's castle
coming and going.

Into a great gloom
the rain forest swallowing
our bicycle lights.

A moray eel's cave ...
in circles with itself
while we swim past.

Dawn rises
the wings of the sea eagle
re-shaping their light.

Apricot sky
sand dunes following
the afternoon wind.

dried wreaths becoming
the crow's new nest.

Interstate bus
an aunt chatting family
to strangers.

Winter frost
limp with the river
little bags of kittens.

over the holiday resort
migrating geese.

Empty letter box
down the path
through sunflowers.

wheeling against deep space
a perfect Mars.

Long walk home ...
the rattling of the storm
agog in gutters.

Campfire coffee
the stars of the Universe
passes some time.

Sun-bright blue
the jacaranda's carpet
on the swimming pool.

The summer day sets ...
an eagle is shaping itself
on a far fiery cloud.

Winter shadows
a sun spot leaping
from the garden shed.

Ocean sunset
stepping from wave to wave
a summer breeze.

Her wreath placed ...
contriving me a speech
to be remembered.

Single mother
still finding courage
in the new town.

Rushed breakfast
the cat's gentle tapping
on my shoe.

Grandmother's eyes ...
the months of her mantelpiece's
un-wiped dust.

School exams ...
a bi-plane's skywriting
out the window.

Mushroom search
the shapes of trees dripping
whitened by fog.

Winter ends
under the walk bridge
a bubbling river.

Walk by the lake
a fish circles
within a stone's throw.

Faster with its music
on crowded nights
the old merry-go-round.

Bus stop
sweating in winter
the cake-shop window.

Pawn shop
trays mostly
engagement rings.

Midday heat
she brings us sliced iced mangoes
on a cold white plate.

We have the same thoughts
picking her passionfruit vine
... grandmother's jam.

Heaven high
veering left from the sun
the return of geese.

the sway of her breasts
preparing their beds.

Between stones
hands making a cup
of the cool stream.

Up the gull-stained cliffs
no one climbs
just the bright orange dawn.

The birding cat
that stone I just threw
which one did it hit.

Breathless summer night
the ice-cube jug sweats out
on the verandah.

Wearing out
rain puddles
the brightness of suns.

Bedside stories
the tot finding shadows
too like her dreams.

I , an eagle ...
heaving out to
the surface of air.

to the red rose bush ...
the tot's wet sneeze.

Painter's brush
creating the waterfall
without a sound.

Hitchhikers ...
growing and growing
their far travelled tales.

Drought's end ...
clinging to the Gum leaves
it drips , drips , drips,.

Dusk quickens
magpies quietening
into shadows.

Wine and cheese night
the joys of the riffs
from a jazz trio.

Waterfall ...
without the sun to dry us
it was then Laurel laughed.

before corruption
the fruit bowl's apple.

Bird-bath splashes
I compose me a haiku
about the garden.

Skeleton tree ...
suddenly piercing
the crow's caw.

being mother
she tries it before her doll.

In the last train
the storm home.

Another autumn leaf
becoming litter ...
the cawing of a crow.

Her call ends ...
a half decent senryu
on my jotting pad.

A garden shed noise
it was then I saw
the dead spider's eyes.

Between breaths
it came swooping from rain clouds
a wedge-tail eagle.

Neighbours not home ...
all midnight hears of it
their black dog's howl.

Summer begins
a chorus of cicadas
into the park.

In the fifty acres
pitching with the wind ...
green rustled corn.

Patio icicles ...
the morning of sunshine
just fills a cup.

Inside the ice sculptures
like shadows move.

Before the tide
heron prints
along the bay's black mud.

Mangrove mud
the slither of a snake
from the sunlight.

The river forks ...
pondering a while
in our picnic canoe.

The impatient tot's
foil wrapped
Easter egg.

The kangaroo's stare
moon bright ...
mine too looking back.

Lake side
beyond the streetlights
another moon.

between tangled roots
its stinking sticky mud.

Waterlilies ...
no canoe glides
only mayflies hide and seek.

Old horse barn
smelling a sunbeam
about the stalls.

Forest winds
only the painter's easel
standing still.

School holidays ...
on their hop-scotch chalk
a stray curled dog.

Road kill
the blackness of crows
tasting a crow.

Tasting the salt
in the sea fog
winter stroll.

Home lakes
geese cries forgetting
the ocean flight.

to the pull of tides
the bay's pelicans.

Evening walk ...
away from the house
away from the silence.

Midday sun
slowly ending
Sunday's lay-in.

Dirt road
the tall grass swishes
of a quick brown snake.

Home from the heat
high heels kicked
into the corner.

Saw mill town
slowly growing Pines
in the pot-holes.

Winter storm
after jogging home
to lentil soups.

Home alone
spreading in father's shed
the spilled red paint.

Camp-fire moon
talking alone
to lunacy.

New moon
the crunch of a white frost
along country roads.

Raising a shadow
at midnight
the fruit bat's wing.

Being summer
jelly-fish melting
above the tides.

Creeping under tin roofs
of the sea fogs.

Low tide
etched around
the horse-shoe of the bay.

Shooting stars
their tails come to us
in our own air.

Friday night poker
hands dealing into
a square of the moon.

Guests gone
still above the pool
the dragonfly's hum.

Cellar wines
in cool walls
a cricket's constant chirp.

Being dragon eyed
the gulls frightened
by his kite.

Leaving its shadow
the mouse taken
by a hawk.

sipping wine by the pond
with Laurel.

Ghost town
deeper each year
the earth pollinates.

of their roped driftwood
between the boys.

Sequin dress
the entire dance floor
to herself.

Our affair
coming out
in coffee lounges.

New year's hour
her breath
in me.

Fumbling with keys
fumbling with locks
the child home from school.

Patio ...
listening to the autumn
crinkle leaves.

Too frail to sit on ...
still holding its shape
the rotten sugar-gum.

In mother's wake
cygnets bob
the sunshine about.

Day breaks
in the stilly silence
a dream still dreaming.

In his autumn days
father talks now
at our fishing spot.

After us
about ten cows sashaying
from the buttercup field.

Whale watch
one wave rising
out of the blue.

Passing storm
at the dark edge
of the rainbow.

Darkness and devils
my head bowed under
these shrieking bats.

Patio winds
pruning the bonsai too
of autumn leaves.

Today's outing ...
at the duck pond
the old girl and her bread.

following the geese
on an ancient journey.

Laundry door
the children's height
faintly pencilled.

Lightning bolts ...
along the freeway
so many tiny cars.

Soon to fall Pine
her perfect raised saplings.

Gold autumn leaves
a log in the river
hoarding its treasure.

Autumn breeze
a river cruise passed
by nothing that moves.

In moonlight
the measure by a pebble
down the stone well.

Midday or later
the shrill of cicadas
across the heat of the park.

Gold winds
deepening the rusts
of autumn.

Below our hearing
the guard dog's chain
pulled tighter.

The dragonfly hovers ...
circles in the bird bath

In hot north winds
no wattle trees shade
the cicada shrills.

Pink bedroom
letting her kitten catch
the wall's torchlight.

Barbed wire fence
kangaroo skins
cleaned by crows.

Snow-fed falls
waters breaking
the birth of a river.

New table
the white square of it
around our old blue vase.

Still alive
on the bull ant nest
the scorpion's sting.

The pelican's descent
follows the outpourings
of the sea.

The bamboo rake
rests against
a naked oak.

their chocolate kisses
going home.

a backpacker takes
its stillness out.

Asking directions ...
only the older workmen
in blue singlets speak. .

Freight train
its reason to sound so alone.

For hours now
the abattoir has no sound...
a crescent moon.

Wedge-tail eagle
fleeing from the sunset
red with fire.

Rain forest ...
caught in a sunbeam
green tourists.

Summer winds
yet the horse in the stream
turns to my sigh.

Country road
kicked from its belly
an ancient quartz stone.

Still hovering
pinnacles of pampas grass
the dragonfly.

Out and out
of the cave's mouth
screams of the fruit bats.

Neighbour's son
our strawberry side
of the fence.

Back to my childhood
I wipe a bit of jam
from the tot's lips.

Lime-stone caves
chilled by the drips
from an ancient river.

When love was easy
grandmother's lunch
over her lace table.

before us
diving below the lake.

On the sunlit lake
that migrating geese
call home.

A Pine falls
about ten saplings
refill its place.

A jazz record--
the blues from the jacaranda
floats to the lawn.

The long travelled geese
no reasons now
to endure cold.

Lover's lane
windscreens fogging
their silence.

Tall old woman
gloves on in the hallway
with nowhere to go.

Evenings wings
two upside down clouds
across the lake.

The crow pecked at
insect screen
on a warm spring day.

Rain forest
all the edges blurred

Rain whispers
the tin coloured lake
surrounds our canoe.

Interstate station
the train's steam embracing
their hurried kiss.

Rain near
a rainbow rings
the half moon.

Brushing past
the dog's stick
into the river.

Beyond the camp-fire
stars pricking
the dark.

Gulls fleeing
the bruised sky
of the winter storm.

Barbed wire
guarding those few
that sleep.

dusk follows
the old folk inside.

Puddles of rain
the cattle lowing
upside down.

In forest
a cat's tail swishing
around the fog.

In her stones
the old stream trickles
another thaw.

Straw sun-hat
shapes of your digging
in the herb garden.

From the earth's bowels
the smell of a drought
digesting the rain.

In Gum trees
the shape of a girl smoking
... the fog shifts.

In the hills
the last train whistled
the town's goodbye.

Found on the lawn
just the smell of dog
in her dressing gown.

At drought's end
the earth sweet smell
of the cattle's breath.

Old snake skin
in last year's rings
along the track.

sunshine reaching
the lily-pad's roots.

Apple blossoms
kicking out at the carpet
around me.

Wedge-tail eagle
following the last hour
of sunset.

Pub closed
the sailor against the fence
with these waves about.

The steel bucket
comes up the stone well

At midnight
shrieking bats shrieking
from the cave's stone mouth.

Sunset stretches
our shadows
caught underfoot.

Winter's about
following me around
with white breaths.

Pet song on the radio ...
too rushed
making their school lunches.

Its nerves
trapping the pheasant
in my rifle sights.

Coloured balloons
tied to the front fence ...
the birthday ones.

Caught in time
ladybirds photographed
on the yellow roses.

In fog
the quick brush with ferns
a touch of birds.

The rusting freight yard
no trains come to ...
boys with stones.

Picking apple trees
an eagle glides above us
shaped by the wind.

Reading my novel
neighbours move out...
next door moves in.

Sea wall
just me dangling
for a fish to bite.

Every Wednesday
the priest brushing
the nun's confession.

In it comes
two rainbow lorikeets
following the scent of hail.

Unless he gives illusions
the street magician
has no charms.

Ripe cornfield
a rustle from
the coloured wind.

Video taped
cornered inside our space
the comet's tail.

Train doors spring open
the butterfly's flutter in
finds me.

Ripe cornfield
discovering at the centre
a scarecrow's clothes.

Yellow-rose thorn
ripping the red drop
of my blood.

Wet weekend
the mists in the shade
of our town hall steeple.

The scent of Pines ...
stooped in the clearings
spotless skies.

In the nursing home
my mother's face
as I remind her.

In sunrise...
a frog on a lily-pad
green of itself.

Rain forest
a bell-bird's singing
comes out of the fog.

Her shadows touch too ,
letting the butterfly
around my face.

Summer's end
the unsung cicadas too
beginning to die.

Sunday afternoon
the merriment of ants
with a butterfly's wing.

Garden helper
all the pain of the bruise
kissed away by mum.

Road trip ...
and his harmonica came too.

Bring us your driftwoods
tides, ebbs from those unknown lands
bring them all face down.

Migrating geese
the marshlands and summer
rowdy once more.

Such is pity
the spider cannot release it
the Emperor moth.

An owl hoots
hedging around shadows
the old tom cat.

Immersing fog
the caws of magpies
around me again.

Breathless summer night
a possum sits beside
the back yard pool.

Cool forest
the ghost Gums reaching
their tall light to me.

Curve of a rainbow
the lisp of the child
counting the colours.

melting the brown carpet
with leaf mould.

Bay shallows
stabbing for any young thing
the old man Ibis.

Bathroom tiles
too many ; no not too many
tiny footprints in the talc.

A salt wind brings rain
not far from us
the cry of gulls.

Ripe corn rustles
turn me around
to the scarecrow.

Magpie's beak
the defiant chirp
of a cricket.

First dew ...
not far from home
picking field mushrooms.

The old couple ...
flames from their raked leaves
fading now.

Rock climbing
the click from the wings
of a dragonfly.

In and out
of the foster child
the family's name.

Wind rattles the house
the moon glows in
on child to child.

Heat haze
a wire fence in the lake
of a mirage.

Doctor's rooms
a tank of goldfish
taking their turns.

Holding its shape
the thin clay vase.

Scattering leaves
moonlight bounces
in the orange tree.

One star
in their minds
guiding geese.

Still tacky
in green wet paint
the platform seats.

The peddle canoes
gathered to rest
at low tide.

Autumn oak
the zigzag fluttering
of butterfly leaves.

Our home for sale
sparrows peck the lawn
near auction's end.

A scatter of clouds,
fruit bats across the moon.

Garden pond
did the tiger moth just give up
to drown in the moon.

Fallen figs
the cat the mouse sees
has crossed the lawn.

One willow
sweeping the river
of its reflection.

Muscatel vines
storm clouds
rushing the harvest.

Flood recedes
a patch of sunlight
wrinkled in mud.

the patio furniture
moonlit frost.

On our back yard snow
crows being
the other colour.

The boy's scooped in
cicada shrills
from his marmalade jar.

Fog around the trees
a deer in gun sights
comes and goes.

Late home
only bedroom moonlight
on her form.

In far away hills
the wheat train's descent.

Midday heat
she brings us pomegranates
peeled and chilled.

Being alone
with them across the valley;
magpie echoes.

Corn field
a rider parts
the ocean.

Buoy bells
in the fishermen's thrown heads
a chorus of gulls.

A bright sunbeam
in the eucalypt
where the butterflies mate.

drawn on the breeze

After martinis
the lost sunset
chilling us.

Catching a lift
from the wheat field's heat
a wedge-tail eagle.

Winter light
through the naked roses
your lingerie drying.

Tourist town
the local asks later
where we have been.

At the cave mouth
in the tongue of a breeze.

Interstate train ...
the last thing from her
a hand covered smile.

Passing a flame tree
onto the hearse
autumn adds a leaf.

Fruit knife
beside the peelings
our hot apple pie.

Thwack !!
the way thunder feels
in our old tin shed.

tomcat re-scenting
the scent of the dog.

Migrating geese
the sounds of the summer
carried on a breeze.

From the black on white
the crow leaves
just the snow.

Gentle waves
rolled in scarlet

Ant-black trail
returning to the garden bed
butterfly wings.

Paddling up river ...
a horse ponders
and returns to drink.

The mountain snows ...
only the gliding eagle
to screech about it.

Midday heat
such fierce buzzing surrounds
the rainbow bee-eater.

City fog
office girls
coming through the park.

Ski fields
a white overcoat
around the mountain.

Scent of a storm
the caw of a crow
leaving the tree.

Hot apple pie
our dessert spoons
digging deep.

Thunder passes
the willow weeps
into the river.

Fog thickens
a crow caws louder
from the neighbour's fence.

School exams
a magpie pecks itself
in their window.

Dry lightning
in the white-gum's litter
leaves smoke.

As sun sets ,
the ones I missed
weeding the garden.

Mountain Pines
a Christmas-card snow
sprayed on the lake.

Carrying our canoe
deeper into the lake
yesterday' s rain.

Hot north winds ...
hosing her herb garden
she uncurls leaf after leaf.

Jogging slower
under the flowering Gums
that sing with cicadas.

Labrador and I
waiting for the moon rise
to whiten the snow.

Midnight snack
in the light , in the quiet
of a lonely day.

The stillness
as days end
of moonlight in water.

Chiming faintly
of bamboo
the forest breeze.

Canoeing where
the Southern Cross
is mirrored on.

Misting lake
at the cabin door
tea mug warms my hands.

Dust eddies
under the bridge
raising the drought.

Winter outside
the glass-house tomatoes
and I perspire.

Remaining leaves
the old oak more gold
in the setting sun.

Joined by snow
the field's wildflowers
ragtime in a breeze.

Floods recede
cattle and calves
swelling the hills.

Blue baby eyes
his mother's milk
composing a burp.

Waterfall spray
under the cover of dusk
Laurel showering.

In meadow frost
the way the brumbies' necks
cross each other.

Apple tree budding ...
last year
hair to pull a comb through.

Receding train ...
a file of headlights
from the car park.

No answer ...
on the glass table
the long chain on her house key.

Migrating south
between our boats , between our joys
more whales this year.

Blackberries picked
our hands and smiles
the same purple.

under the floor boards
forgetting sleep.

Sun blind
the mouse moves in and out
of the eagle's eye.

Long drought
the river banks
meet at the centre.

Short dress
the long whistles

Homing pigeons
the eagle's shape
out of the blue.

Strange fruit in the mango tree
the dog guards
the cat's escape.

Red dirt road
in dried cracked puddles
the midday sun.

bringing the dog's blood
into my sleep.

Down the light , down the river
returning geese
cry out.

Far horizon
in the breeze a magpie
pecks the scarecrow's eye.

At the mountain spring
her kissing lips
on the mouth.

Dawn opens
another magpie tenor
underneath the lead.

Seen in Father's eyes
so soon ! she leaves
her wedding.

To the gypsy geese
that return this year
our blue shining lakes.

Platform heat
the winds of summer
and express trains.

Neighbour's son
our ripe strawberries
fills his pockets.

Family album
the child points
some forgotten ones out.

This morning's fog ...
I am swallowed in the park
with magpie calls.

Sand bar
the king tide
rises over itself.

Dim hallway
the grandfather clock
unwinds its chimes.

Sunday afternoon
puppies everywhere
after leaving the nipples.

under the waterfall
a brace of lovers.

After Sunday lunch
the weight
of summer heat.

Whiskey-raw midnight
only country songs
in the motel room.

Clear again
the rainbow
connecting hills.

Midnight breeze
rustling other leaves
an owl arrives.

Waterfalls crash
a plum afternoon
rainbows in the mist.

the lake and sky
the same full moon. .

She stoops to sip
the cool spring mouth
quenching another.

Winter dusk
the traffic lights.

Crow caws
the city's fog.

Express train
the swell of ruffled blouses
along the platform.

Starless river
seeking landfall
its eucalypt seeds.

Bush walk
found in the heat
a clearing full of sky.

Melt-water fishing
the rainbows in the skins
of the trout.

Quivering still
a clap of thunder
among the wildflowers.

Gold chalice
the port-wine breath of the priest.

Summer is fleeting
another cicada
at the end of its shrills.

Sponge diver
the sea horses rigid
behind the reef.

Clothes line
swinging the laughs
of children.

On the wall of graffiti
we pass at lunch,
nearly perfect ... a blue orchid.

my daughter and I
share the world going past.

Weekend shed ...
new smells shaved
from the old furniture.

Piebald cat
caught slinking past
our games in the pool.

Warm kitchen
grandfather's breakfast
in our hurried meals.

Latin music
drawn to the rhythm
on Laurel's hips.

around the bend
river boulders.

House auction day ...
my old bedroom.

Winds tap
the hen house waits
in the fox's shadow. .

Dust storm
the farm's drought

cicada shells drummed
by the autumn rain.

Blinding heat
bright lizard eyes
from the just-raked leaves.

The way the frog's slither
is slimy
from the boy's hands.

Cathedral closed
giddy with fear
the black bird's long caw.

Putting the dog out
moonlight and garden
scented with herbs.

Ascending lark
the marmalade cat
too thin from kittens.

The storm moves on ...
black dots on the green lawn.

Summer wind chimes
the fireflies spinning
around the night air.

Windy forest
trying to paint the floor
with moonshine.

Cold French fries
desperate to join any fight
the loudest gull.

One tyre
cracks the full moon ...
a frozen puddle.

Skeletons ...
stark in winter light
trees on the hill.

seeds from fruit bats
the cave's mouth.

Clothes out drying ...
coming through the maze
an Emperor moth.

Old Labrador
still finding sniffles
around the park trees.

Full moon ...
only fruit bat squeaks
from the cave's mouth.

Rowing on the lake
magpie ducks slide
into the dawn mist.

Turtledove meat ...
how tenderly the eagle
feeds her young.

the camp fire colouring
the stone circle.

Park bench ...
autumn so silent
I kick up the dry gold leaves.

Oasis palms
a flotilla of camels
has crossed the sands.

How knuckle hard
is the full moon
in the pond of ice.

Cutting their school lunches ...
the tea-kettle
whistles to itself.

Sudden frost
so rigid to touch
a frill-necked lizard.

Enough dawn !!
you too brightly pale
all these stars from today.

Boy's kite
climbing on the breezes
out of the park.

First thaw
not the same brook crossing
as this morning.

The rainbow gift
of a summer storm
arching trees.

Separated ...
a cave bat hangs itself
from the fig tree.

Fallen Gum
in unfamiliar light
the eager of her saplings.

Such grace in flight ...
the eagle so fierce
on the rabbit's young.

Old bath tub
the growth spilling over
of strawberries.

Kindergarten sleeps
one tiny soldier
still finger painting.

Leaning all over father
replacing a wheel
on her doll's pram.

Midday fog ... coming out
the picket fences
dry to grey.

I ... of these hooked feet
silent out of sun and wind
hawks kill whom we want.

Cages open
a cascade of pigeons
on the long way home.

Ghost town
the drought-thin trees
of its surrounds.

Ferris-wheel lights
her pirouettes and pirouettes
in the queue.

Dark verandah
our neighbour draws back
on her cigarette.

Easter eggs
the tiny tots together
in foil wrappers.

rose red first
in the eye of an eagle.

Almost dodging
a shadow's leap
from the foot bridge.

Into dusk
the hitchhiker turns
his collars up.

After the storm
tulips brimming
with moonshine.

Not playing ... drowning
the river bagged

this mountain climb
content to stare to beyond.

Liquor store
the heat wave
still in its walls.

Not aware
of the corn's scarecrow
until the leaves rustle.

Spring rain
cacti shaping leaves
to the same needles.

Boy's first telescope
the pockmarked face
of the moon.

Rock climb
being alone
my car keys jingle.

The stars glitter ...
These sparks that rise
out of the camp-fire.

In bare feet
the new carpet
changing every room.

My haiku published ...
an acorn plops into
the sound of the pond.

Before us
in the bright stream
flint stone tools from the past.

After the screech
of a circling eagle
the wind-swished corn leaves.

Icy frost
cracking the river edge
the horse's hooves.

Salt and peppered
on the puddles
winter starlight.

Her one-eyed doll
avoiding its stare
the neighbour's cat.

Supported as softly
as the lake's moon
our rubber canoe.

The teens tantrums
from the back seat
a winding road.

Afternoon play
the pencilled dolphins
she crayons red.

On a first date
sliding into the car
his heart throb.

Lightning bolts
all the clouds
falling back to sea.

After the storm
our marmalade cat
tiptoes the lawn.

A bag of cow dung ...
on the child's plate.

Gold chalice
over the Host
the priest's winy breath.

At the open window
hair waving
from the dresser's comb.

Wedge-tail eagle
the thermals.

Summer garden
the grasshopper
to every shadow's hand.

Parkland mist
the flame trees naked
in a cold dawn light.

Born in summer
the rain on the lawn
weighed with sunlight.

The flame trees drip
and hour by hour
the street fog glows with headlights.

Steel sink ... cooling for us
a baked pie
beside its apple skins.

Mountain frost
dribbling from both our noses
the sniffles.

An owl hoots---
the stream's murmur
agog with stones.

With autumn fallen
the way white Gums seem naked
around the park.

Apple orchard dew!
this water on father's trees
once thought as I do.

Red dragon wings
the boy's birthday kite
in the park's breeze.

Buried pet ...
the climbing rose regrows
her bones.

On the moon
only the river red Gums

Window breeze
the scales of the lace
coming to rest.

Eagle's screech
an orange peel squeezed
into your face.

Clouds drift
following the paths too
that the geese migrate.

Motel door
cobwebs of fog
between the mountains.

All day inside , out,
hearing the clouds pass
in wind and rain.

The break
in a fog that clings
the winter moon.

Traffic honks
the route our canoe takes
between the geese.

Full moon
in a line of sight
that the owl makes day.

Banging winds---
my sleep
on the garden's gate.

Paint brush
the mountain.

Camp fire ...
poked for my thoughts
with a burnt stick.

Blue lakes
at heaven's end
dots arriving of the geese.

Fathomless drought
the farm rusts
in sunshine.

A red wind
around their sand castle
the sunset beach.

Crescent moon
climbing not moving
the Pine cones.

Star blessed
the river and I
at our old town bridge.

Becoming full
the summer weighs
the tree with mangoes.

Midday ambush
a magpie and I
near to her nest.

Upturned stone
still with the earth
my pencilled haiku.

Height of summer
the ripeness of the mangoes
on our neighbour's side.

Milking the girl...
scratches of her long itch
on the old barn door.

a face of the devil
the birding fox.

The stick returns
with the dog
with the river.

Chalk dust
the weight-lifter's time
held in the air.

Breathless heat
the night hangs
in the scent of jasmine.

Sunset burns...
the dive of herring gulls
to the sea.

Storks at low tide ...
old men wading
in short shorts.

Buoy bells...
how untroubled its ride
in the swell.

Fruit bats echo
the shapes of the figs
becoming ripe.

the cake-shop window
iced hot buns.

Sunrise sea
the waves pour in
from the light.

Paint easel
a leafless tree
frames the moon.

A crescent moon
the solitary stares
between the cattle.

Orange dawn...
all the breakfast juice
I can swallow.

feeling the dawn chill
wherever my sleep turns.

Poker night win
the clarinet solo
from a jazz band.

Summer breezes in...
a moon falls through
the window.

Sudden stop - -
the wind withdraws
from tumbleweeds.

First light - -
the orange dawn
becoming blue.

First gin and tonic - -
after some rain
the chorus among magpies.

A winter wind starts it - -
willows lashing
the grey river.

What fantastics
my shadow has
with the camp's fire.

out of infinity
the red plains of Mars.

Crescent moon...
in silhouette
the horse-shoe bay.

Afternoon wind
its rush through corn leaves

the tastes of the pond

Eyes from the water
a crocodile's gnashing
frenzied soul.

the twilight of stars
in silence.

Light circles out
the swan's soft landing.

Rain steams off...
the picket wood fence
becoming grey.

Bower-bird mound
a doll's eye
blinks brightest.

concealed track
the forest breeze
tangled with bird song.

feather's fall
touched from the other side
a salmon's pout.

last bus home
moons in the puddles

the waves

winter breaths
on the bird-bath ice
pecks of a magpie.

boy's jam jar
the just loosened lid
for his butterfly's breath.

sunrise windows
music on dust beams
floats from the room.

how sealed the sun is
in his row of jars.

buds overall
coming through the garden
daughter and friends.

my tongue more in memory
than this sweet delight.

father's shed
all his weekends spent
mostly in neatness.

old stone well
an eagle over our farmhouse
alone in the sky.

in the curves of sand ripples
a red sunset.

grandma's garden
when my childhood
had a mother.

with the wind-chimes smiling
ear to ear

summer winds
the stains of bore-water
on the tomato leaves.

the first tenor begins
the ode to dawn.

I tune my violin peg
from its screech.

the new year
its first note
from our clarinet trio.

Easter hunt
the shape of the tot's mouth
with chocolate.

driving without haste
the shapes of a scarecrow
alone in the fog.

lake-side coffees
fetching some stars
to boil them.

foggy streets
the warmth of our bones
to walk in.

winter holidays
the warmth from grandma
closing her front door.

morning lingers
I lean with the tree
to bird songs.

stone well
the bucket on the ledge
spills in the rain.

barbed-wire fence
the tumbleweeds gathered
escape to the night.

listening to crickets
their songs and their pauses
from the stone well.

the full moon
down a furtive place
to the well water.

moon to moon
the gravity
of well waters.

well water
the moon.

following the geese
the sun falls far
into the horizon.

he sees again
her tilling their herbs
without gloves.

last orange rays
letting the cratered moon
through my back door.

busy streets
the dodging hiss
of their rain coats.

radio jazz
the late-night swing
of the curtains.

open window
the tracks of my jazz vinyl
in the wildflower scent.

blue summer skies
our swings over the river
tied to a tree.

circles of the web
unwinding another thread
from the rear of herself.

the tidal mud
as we seek
her gold earring.

the fog floats
high heels and a whisper
comes from the alley.

the party waits
a saxophone cradles
in the new year.

gold autumn leaves
those fallen ' skeletons
for their rebirth.

winter fog
the drip, drip of willows
to the river.

in the well water
once in a blue moon
the moon.

in a great silence
before the snow slide
just the mountain and I.

first light
turning me the shadow
in the shade.

the morning opens
a song finding a bird
in the empty woods.

summer drought
taller each cruise
the river banks.

dusk joins the trees
in the eggs a moth leaves
her generation.

mum's singing
on the kitchen table
our homework stopped.

relentless drought
dust devils twirl in
the pale of the moon.

out of silence
magpies sing to dawn
of their cracking eggs.

strange fruits
dog-trapped kittens
in the pomegranate tree.

dawn stirs
the moon the frost crackles
in a puddle of ice.

family album
after lunch mother asks
for help in her garden.

summer winds
the stains of bore-water
on the tomato leaves.

the peeled orange rings
under our hammock
' midday shade.

the unbroken orange peel
thrown over her shoulder
spells his initial.

as summer falls
the shrill of the cicadas
unaware of dying.

these dark woods
my torch light no longer
on father's back.

busy corner
traffic light green
in their passing eyes.

winter rains
in the book-shop warmth
closing time.

the bridge rattles
a freight train lightly
across the river.

her strapless red dress
billows in the line'
our iced drinks.

bar maid
covering his change
with a wet cloth.

in a solitude
the corners of the room
from a round table.

the old house creaks
the fire-side spits
I turn another page.

summer forest
leaving the chain saw to it
' the butterflies.

thrashing their turns
in our garden pond
the golden carp.

dawn solitude
the bay's lowest ebb

on my phone
the trail of the comet
passing in silence.

hammering hail
the last page of our exams
Yes or No answers.

midweek oval
two limp balloons
bouncing together.

finishing a coffee
the crumpled letter
unfolds before her.

spring morning
our naked peach tree
pregnant with buds.

meteor at dusk
beyond the farm house
nearer the stars.

pond mist
being alone
in the voice of the frog.

kitchen table
the scent of her wreath
untied with the ribbons.

garden pond
Aquarius moving
onto Pisces.

garden pond
Aquarius moves over
the gleam of water.

garden shadows
Aquarius sprinkled
on the gold-fish pond.

garden shed
showers darkening
the see-through rusts.

bus stop shade
the old man flings
his apple core out.

house auction
the weight of their hands
out-bidding us.

dusk begins
drawing Aquarius
out for the night.

in winds to-be-rain
whittling a branch
on my back-yard steps.

still life
the tram lights move
to the morning fog.

the sculptor's nude
his model helping him
polish her.

our park swings
so high
from grand-pop's hand.

sunrise lake
in its solitude
nothing else to lean to.

sunrise sea
breathing the air
full of gulls.

mountain thaws
rollicking home
to the sea, to the sea.

snow falls
such afar away budding
to the cherry trees.

dawn stirs
songs in their brains
a bird at a time.

beside our canoe
the swans leaving
the brush from their wings.

garden furniture
the weight that autumn
leaves behind.

in a moon glow
the swing and I.

shaking his bread crusts
back and forth
the school-yard magpie.

her birthday book
unfolds to its first page
a unicorn.

lawn mowing
I stir a wisp of fog
behind the old tin shed.

losing a daughter
to fifteen
in her friends' way.

in autumn falls
dismounting the seat
of my pedal bike.

geese returning
I tune the gut strings
of my old folk guitar.

magpie songs
enjoying why
I came out early.

eucalypti –
following me to the lyrebirds
breaths of cool air

eucalypti –
under the new bark
the moth grub – scribbles

one of many neighs…
and in a far field
the mare and her foal

sunset spreads –
between swans on the scarlet
a sail boat – turns

she waits !
in the rush of breakfasts
her school lunch – packed

the storm left –
to the hill of stones
a brook – babbling

dawn rainbow
in the city of lights
the rain smells – rise

between towns –
in the rear-view mirror
a headlight –glares

her age –
through our rush of breakfast
her wrinkled blue eyes

her shower scent
through the rush of breakfast
Laurel – leaves

road kill-
in feasts of blackness
the ravens – caw

cracked path
home late
how often I’ve stumbled

cawing guilty…
a murder of crows
over the dead lamb

day off work
all morning how gentle
the fog drips! drips! drips!

the wind exceeds itself
lifting the lily’s skirts
to their underparts

10 o’clock stars
the dog relieves slowly
to return indoors

antiques shop
tree rings polished
for the year’s sale

cool on my cheek—
I let the butterfly
consider where next

butterfly farm
our visit stamped
all the way home

late with fog
the sunrise colours
the eucalypt’s buds

the colt’s first stand
changing directions
dawn colours the earth

kitchen lights on
a magpie
praising the dawn

the cyclone hits…
in the moments gone
our banana farm

all day inside, out!
the hail storm
pings our iron roof

drought’s end
the creek fingers
into its pebbles

leaves flutter –
into our picnic canoe
a butterfly –only one

meal’s end –
our garden strawberries
her red tongue – melts

willows swaying
on the summer breeze –
the river flows – slowly

eucalypt –
in streaks of first light
two peepers – from the nest

‘til the kookaburras laugh
you have no reason
to look up for joy

brown winter slime…
fluttering a moment
an Oak leaf

our pet’s grave, lives!
show us climbing rose
all your blossoms out of it

Laurel has moved in!
lets me think now of nights, baths
and of new wet prints

sunflowers nod…
a sea breeze
slams the garden gate

an owl hoots…
the stream
carries its murmur

nursing home
our mother’s bruise
pink with rouge

eucalypt smoke
in our campfire tea…
the stars wheel

over-coating a chill
around my shoulders
street echoes

the moon lights
my skinny dip…
our way years ago

the beyond is not yet yours
this love that says
you should go back

I step away from
the long white tunnel
above the bed to fear of pain


all night poker …
for his drive home
street lights in drizzle

summer sweet salads
out of father’s garden
our sliced tomatoes

too young to fruit
the apple trees hanging out
with old Jack Frost

window corner
the spider’s young
rainbows with dew

blackberries after lunch !!
the purple grin
showing her little white lie

on our town roofs
up to the hills
a glaring moon-face

night winds
a little bit of the tree
a raven’s space

Light circles out
the swan’s soft landing.

the frost drips …
my mind on the lark
singing to dawn

airing father’s suit
our shadows
return the touch

Eyes from the water
a crocodile’s gnashing
frenzied soul.

the river’s bend
zigzagged with sails

What fantastics
my shadow has
with the camp’s fire.

the river forks
from the left-hand side
honking calls of the geese

the sparrow’s bird-bath
the rest of your garden
in shadows

even some beauty
in my phone’s close-up
the crow staring back

our talk over blackberries
across the table
her sweet purple lips

First gin and tonic - -
after some rain
the chorus among magpies.

in our backyard
greening a summer wind
the grapevine trellis

autumn begins
a changing to the books
I take to read outside

Chalk dust
the weight-lifter’s time
held in the air.

the last pie apples
our tree will bear

gentle waves
the tot points to go further
with her cutest grin

Height of summer
the ripeness of the mangoes
on our neighbour’s side.

their beach –
touched by first light
our two dogs – race

guessing the size
of a shooting star…
our dog slips his leash

rock fishing
a clear and present danger
in yesterday’s storm

Dawn rises
magpie songs unite
the Gum trees.

school vacation
as they refill their dives
into the river

descending honks -
to the ebb of tides
the pelicans –pulled

Dawn rises—
magpie songs unite
the Gum trees.

the moth’s
whole silent purpose
eggs to the forest

pelicans descend –
to the ebbs of the sea
old men… searching

he finds most…
spilled on the beach
a dozen fish hooks

autumn burns
the smoke of backyards
streets away

Blue lakes
at heaven’s end
dots arriving of the geese.

clouds lift…
the bay tide
moves a driftwood

immense starlight…
my Zodiac turns
forgetting me

Paint brush
the mountain.

morning lights
the gulls focus still
on our dog’s chase

losing a daughter
to fifteen
in her friends’ way

the sun setting
upside down
gulls on the beach

beach so cold
the joy of an overcoat
walking at night

Banging winds---
my sleep
on the garden’s gate.

the Maples falling
we spoon the warmth
of mum’s raspberry pie

the sculptor’s nude
his model helping him
polish her

beach wind
no tracks to
the sea-gull’s huddle

in beach sand
high heels
in hand

bus stop shade
the old man flings
his apple core out

beach party
the moon in clouds
tattooing the sea

All day inside , out,
hearing the clouds pass
in wind and rain.

dawn solitude
the bay’s lowest ebb

a returning tide
on the beach his hands
over the curves of her

teeming rain
the beach sand unable
to float the whale

summer forest
leaving the chain saw to it
… the butterflies

Eagle’s screech
an orange peel squeezed
into your face.

surfacing in the surf
smile to smile
our daughter’s first swim

whispering your name
… in the hay loft
a cigarette flares

pools emerge
all the ebb
in gull cries

Red dragon wings
the boy’s birthday kite
in the park’s breeze.

rock pools
the moons in the slow turning
of the ebb

the old house creaks
the fire-place spits
I turn another page

in tumbled surf
his daughter’s hair
obscuring her face

Apple orchard dew!
this water on father’s trees
thought inside as I do.

her strapless red dress
billows on the line…
our iced drinks

without a surf
the sun in a shell
alive with rainbows

the bridge rattles
a freight train in lights
crossing the river

An owl hoots---
the stream’s murmur
agog with stones.

these dark woods
my torch light no longer
on father’s back

the unbroken orange peel
thrown over her shoulder
spells his initial

Steel sink ... cooling for us
a baked pie
beside its apple skins.

the peeled orange rings
under our hammock
… midday shade

The flame trees drip
and hour by hour
the street fog glows with headlights.

mum’s singing
on the kitchen table
our homework stopped

last orange rays
letting the cratered moon
through my back door

last orange rays
letting the cratered moon
through my back door

Summer garden
the grasshopper
to every shadow’s hand.

Easter hunt
the shape of the tot’s mouth
with chocolate

At the open window
hair waving
from the dresser’s comb.

grandma’s garden
when my childhood
had a mother

Gold chalice
over the Host
the priest’s winy breath.

Seaweed beach
the tide’s wash
taking our prints out.

father’s shed
all his weekends spent
mostly in neatness

Family beach
building their castle
child’s play.

A bag of cow dung ...
on the child’s plate.

In waves
their long journey over
Laurel’s breasts.

Supported as softly
as the lake’s moon
our rubber canoe.

Her one-eyed doll
avoiding its stare
the neighbour’s cat.

Sunset beach
I raise my voice to call them
boys dragging driftwood.

A car space found
our beach towels breathing
last season’s scent.

Along the stormy beach
we often walk
waves retching their seaweed out.

Small waves
finally separating
the lover’s thrown rose.

Beach gulls hover
above the dog’s bark
above the dog’s play.

Icy frost
cracking the river edge
the horse’s hooves.

boy’s jam jar
the just loosened lid
for his butterfly’s breath

Boy’s first telescope
the pockmarked face
of the moon.

Not aware
of the corn’s scarecrow
until the leaves rustle.

Almost dodging
a shadow’s leap
from the foot bridge.

I ... of these hooked feet
silent out of sun and wind
hawks kill whom we want.

Leaning all over father
replacing a wheel
on her doll’s pram.

Such grace in flight ...
the eagle so fierce
on the rabbit’s young.

Boy’s kite
climbing on the breezes
out of the park.

Enough dawn !!
you too brightly pale
all these stars from today.

Ascending lark
the marmalade cat
too thin from kittens.

Cathedral closed
giddy with fear
the black bird’s long caw.

The way the frog’s slither
is slimy
from the boy’s hands.

Blazing sun
anticipated this
the cicadas’ wall of sound.

Web ...
how the life in the moth
becomes a spider.

Dust storm
the farm’s drought

Winds tap
the hen house waits
in the fox’s shadow.

Latin music
drawn to the rhythm
on Laurel’s hips.

Warm kitchen
grandfather’s breakfast
in our hurried meals.

On the wall of graffiti
we pass at lunch,
nearly perfect ... a blue orchid.

Crow caws
the city’s fog.

This morning’s fog ...
I am swallowed in the park
with magpie calls.

Neighbour’s son
our ripe strawberries
fills his pockets.

Seen in Father’s eyes
so soon ! she leaves
her wedding.

Far horizon
in the breeze a magpie
pecks the scarecrow’s eye.

bringing the dog’s blood
into my sleep.

Homing pigeons
the eagle’s shape
out of the blue.

Sun blind
the mouse moves in and out
of the eagle’s eye.

Migrating south
between our boats , between our joys
more whales this year.

No answer ...
on the glass table
the long chain on her house key.

Apple tree budding ...
last year
hair to pull a comb through.

In meadow frost
the way the brumbies’ necks
cross each other.

Blue baby eyes
his mother’s milk
composing a burp.

Joined by snow
the field’s wildflowers
ragtime in a breeze.

Hot north winds ...
hosing her herb garden
she uncurls leaf after leaf.

Carrying our canoe
deeper into the lake
yesterday’ s rain.

Dry lightning
in the white-gum’s litter
leaves smoke.

Fog thickens
a crow caws louder
from the neighbour’s fence.

Tourist town
the local asks! lately
where have we been.

Catching a lift
from the wheat field’s heat
a wedge-tail eagle.

Buoy bells
in the fishermen’s thrown heads
a chorus of gulls.

In far away hills
the wheat train’s descent.

The boy’s scooped in
cicada shrills
from his marmalade jar.

Garden pond
did the tiger moth just give up
to drown in the moon.

Our home for sale
sparrows peck the lawn
near auction’s end.

Doctor’s rooms
a tank of goldfish
taking their turns.

In and out
of the foster child
the family’s name.

Magpie’s beak
the defiant chirp
of a cricket.

Ripe corn rustles
turn me around
to the scarecrow.

Bathroom tiles
too many ; no not too many
tiny footprints in the talc.

Bring us your driftwoods
tides, ebbs from those unknown lands
bring them all face down.

Sunday afternoon
the merriment of ants
with a butterfly’s wing.

Summer’s end
the unsung cicadas too
beginning to die.

Rain forest
a bell-bird’s singing
comes out of the fog.

In the nursing home
my mother’s face
as I remind her.

Ripe cornfield
discovering at the centre
a scarecrow’s clothes.

Train doors spring open
the butterfly’s flutter in
finds me.

Video taped
cornered inside our space
the comet’s tail.

Every Wednesday
the priest brushing
the nun’s confession.

Reading my novel
neighbours move out...
next door moves in.

Pet song on the radio ...
too rushed
making their school lunches.

Winter’s about
following me around
with white breaths.

At midnight
shrieking bats shrieking
from the cave’s stone mouth.

sunshine reaching
the lily-pad’s roots.

Old snake skin
in last year’s rings
along the track.

At drought’s end
the earth sweet smell
of the cattle’s breath

In the hills
the last train whistled
the town’s goodbye.

From the earth’s bowels
the smell of a drought
digesting the rain.

In forest
a cat’s tail swishing
around the fog.

Brushing past
the dog’s stick
into the river.

Interstate station
the train’s steam embracing
their hurried kiss.

Lover’s lane
windscreens fogging
their silence.

When love was easy
grandmother’s lunch
over her lace table.

Back to my childhood
I wipe a bit of jam
from the tot’s lips.

Neighbour’s son
our strawberry side
of the fence.

Out and out
of the cave’s mouth
screams of the fruit bats.

The pelican’s descent
follows the outpourings
of the sea.

Still alive
on the bull ant nest
the scorpion’s sting.

Pink bedroom
letting her kitten catch
the wall’s torchlight.

Below our hearing
the guard dog’s chain
pulled tighter.

Laundry door
the children’s height
faintly pencilled.

Today’s outing ...
at the duck pond
the old girl and her bread.

Darkness and devils
my head bowed under
these shrieking bats.

In mother’s wake
cygnets bob
the sunshine about.

Too frail to sit on ...
still holding its shape
the rotten sugar-gum.

New year’s hour
her breath
in me.

Cellar wines
in cool walls
a cricket’s constant chirp.

Guests gone
still above the pool
the dragonfly’s hum.

Raising a shadow
at midnight
the fruit bat’s wing.

Home alone
spreading in father’s shed
the spilled red paint.

Midday sun
slowly ending
Sunday’s lay-in.

to the pull of tides
the bay’s pelicans.

Forest winds
only the painter’s easel
standing still.

Old horse barn
smelling a sunbeam
around the stalls.

Waterlilies ...
no canoe glides
only mayflies hide and seek.

The kangaroo’s stare
moon bright ...
mine too looking back.

The impatient tot’s
foil wrapped
Easter egg.

Before the tide
heron prints
along the bay’s black mud.

Neighbours not home ...
all midnight hears of it
their black dog’s howl.

A garden shed noise
it was then I saw
the dead spider’s eyes.

Her call ends...
a half decent senryu
on my jotting pad.

Skeleton tree ...
suddenly piercing
the crow’s caw.

before corruption
the fruit bowl’s apple.

Drought’s end ...
clinging to the Gum leaves
it drips , drips , drips,

Painter’s brush
creating the waterfall
without a sound.

to the red rose bush ...
the tot’s wet sneeze.

Up the gull-stained cliffs
no one climbs
just the bright orange dawn.

We have the same thoughts
picking her passionfruit vine
... grandmother’s jam.

Midday heat
she brings us sliced iced mangoes
on a cold white plate.

Walk by the lake
a fish circles
within a stone’s throw.

School exams ...
a bi-plane’s skywriting
out the window.

Grandmother’s eyes ...
the months of her mantelpiece’s
un-wiped dust.

Rushed breakfast
the cat’s gentle tapping
on my shoe.

The summer day sets ...
an eagle is shaping itself
on a far fiery cloud.

Sun-bright blue
the jacaranda’s carpet
on the swimming pool.

dried wreaths becoming
the crow’s new nest.

A moray eel’s cave ...
in circles with itself
while we swim past.

Sunset beach
waves at the children’s castle
coming and going.

Lush carrot heads
I find the horse nibbling
what its lips came after.

Full udder ...
scratching her day’s itch
on the old barn door.

Aunt’s visit
her hat feather’s bob-bobbing
in our conversation.

the Kelpie’s dust scratched
into a sunbeam.

Skipping school
the cicada’s racket
in the boy’s tin can.

Such blinding heat
just the shrill of cicadas
out of the dry north winds.

The old couple
leaves raked
at autumn’s end.

At child’s end
she nurses
a bird from the road.

Interstate bus
near term she is settled
into both back seats.

Licking his whiskers
touched by them ...
the cat’s sardines.

Old boxed letters
someone longing
in my mother’s voice.

Old rain forest ...
down in the tall light
her ancient hidden potions.

Tiny silent stream
the salmon’s leap
from moon to moon.

Winter cabin
I roll the carrot rings
into our hot busy stew.

Spider’s sting
a life worth taking
the tiger moth.

Going ... coming ... going
driftwood tossed
along the empty beach.

Fig trees
the night’s thunder shaking
some fruit bats out.

Down ... and feathered
from the parrot’s nest
our neighbour’s cat.

Sunset darkens
nearly at the snake’s young
the school boy’s stick.

Gate in the wind
to stop the noise
the neighbour’s barking dog.

looking into the Gum tree
for the owl’s hoot.

Easily seen
yet the neighbour’s son silent
in our mango tree.

Mind full
our tom cat stepping
behind the magpie’s warble.

River crossing
still on the edge
the brumby’s nerves.

River cruise
the freckles on Laurel’s throat
brushed by her green blouse.

Bubbling the bridge’s
shady river
brown polished stones.

The telescope gift
no one comes to...
Saturn and its rings.

It happened last night
grape vine just old enough
pregnant with buds.

Where clouds would be...
taking a while to leave
my envy of the wild geese.

Hang glider
swirling out of the sun...
the child’s eyes follow.

Splattering bird-bath
they ignore the woman’s stance
bent to enjoy them.

Playful !! maybe not
in and out of the pond’s reeds

Winter’s last
gentled by the bleat
of spring lambs.

Frozen lizard’s
crawl to the sun
thawing her , thawing her.

The sheep mob nibbles...
a mother dumps her new toy
and inspects it.

Naked flame-trees
the park’s ankle-deep leaves
rustle and gather.

The chill that showers
sprinkle over me...
sick friend’s garden.

Ceased rowing
Laurel’s hand swirls the leaves
around us.

Antiques shop
grandmother’s lilac scent.

raked leaves loosened
then the lizard’s eye.

River picnic
soaking our blanket
with yesterday’s rain.

Lace curtains
so many full moons
to the pretty tot’s eye.

Kookaburras laugh
no need to look up the river Gums
for a reason to smile.

Antique shop
rings in the table top
showing the maple’s age.

Sudden noise in the wind
the start of a dream
I’ll never see finished.

Kid’s first circus
then the fall-down sad-face
bike-ride of the clowns.

Red flowering Gum
how the cicada has quietened
in the boy’s dirty hand.

Bell birds
piano practice leaves
the little girl’s hands.

Father looks away
so soon all her good-byes
from her wedding party.

Railway cross-road
the quiet grazing
of the stockman’s cattle.

Tea brews
among the patio ferns
grandmother’s talk.

Abandoned boy’s home
and did I break a window
to scramble out.

Letter box
the post man straightens
the old girl’s fence.

Busy corner
a man’s road rage
in his tight summer suit.

Family beach
with the lime bikini blonde
someone’s pretty tot.

A dawn mist
then comes the deeply rising singing
of the whales.

A dirt road
hearing the trees, their wheeze
I start my walk again.

Stacked fire-wood
to defend her nest
the funnel-web’s fang.

finding tomorrow
the midnight tram’s headlight.

Folding wings
the geese’s summer journey
has crossed the sea.

Her back-yard wedding...
how changed
has our daughter’s play become.

Spring thaw
a sparrow puffed in its bath
at the pond’s edge.

what cold force these stars
grandfather's tool shed
should bring this comfort

whispering your name
in the hay loft
a cigarette flares.

all night poker …
for his drive home
street lights in drizzle

chopping winter wood
a butterfly
stops my axe

picnic with Laurel
our hands stop reaching
for the same small cake

summer-sweet salads
out of father's garden
our sliced tomatoes

the peach trees sweeten
in the far dripping fog
the shapes of silence

too young to fruit
the apple trees hanging out
with old Jack Frost

window corner
the spider's young
rainbows with dew

turning my eyes
to rainbows...
dew on the apple buds

high noon
the eucalypts
paint the river

without a hint
the apple boughs
begot with buds

kept watching
the sunset fire
kept dying

with a rope swing
the school boy
opens the river

blackberries after lunch !!!
the purple grin
showing her tiny white lie

to its dances of hail
our old tin roof

sipping the river
a horse on guard
one at a time

passing the lightning
to where we stand

on our rooftops
up to the hills
a glaring moon-face

moon shine
in all of its journeys
the time for geese

night winds
a little bit of the tree
a raven's space

composing colours
a ewe squeezes her lamb out

the frost drips...
my mind on the lark
singing to dawn

and how I squint
at the sunrise
a grasshopper leaps so close

Sunday sermon
all the hens in white
obeying the rooster

Dawn rises
magpie songs unite
the Gum trees.

airing father's suit
our shadows
return the touch

the river's bend
zigzaged with sails

the river forks
from the left hand side
honking calls of the geese

the sparrow's bird bath
the rest of our garden
in shadows

jogging home
in the fresh snow
my mind on the silence

gentle rains
hens pecking
over the free range earth

finding tomorrow
the midnight tram's headlight.

The meditation
of bamboo wind chimes
... a summer dawns...

The fallen Pines rot--
I sit down on the deaths
around us.

I step away from
the long white tunnel
above the bed to fear of pain
the beyond is not yet yours
this love that says
you should go back



River cruise
the freckles on Laurel's throat
brushed by her green blouse.

And, his face
the sweet falls of her hair.

The tide leaks
where the crunch of sand
fits our feet again.

Spring warms
I untie the bamboo string
around the wind-chimes.

around our rest stop
the mountain swept
by two eagles

Blazing sun
anticipated this
the cicadas' wall of sound.

... web ...
how the life in the moth
becomes a spider

being Carnation
the head drooped in the garden
rises to the rain

in words
the sunset and a haiku
on the same page

in a moonless breeze
the after-swoop of an owl

these few local nests
we showed the children
pummelled with hail

even some beauty
in my phone's close-up
the crow staring back

in the blackened hailstorm
we can only watch
the dinting of cars

easy to add more
to my charcoal sketch
the soundless gulls

a school boy fishing
his get-lost kiss
to the train on the bridge

our talk over blackberries
across the table
her sweet purple lips

being fog
the cloak around the reeds
slides softly to the pond

a crow watches
the cop pass
the remains of a snowman

in our back yard
greening a summer wind
the grapevine trellis

autumn begins
a change to the books
I take to read outside

at dusk
and how the leaf falls sound
I no longer see

a summer breeze
leaving me to potter
about the herb garden

nothing else, all is drought
just the tumble-weeds
piled at the fence

summer kisses
the rain and I turn
to face each other

the last pie apples
our tree will bear

sun across our path
Laurel sits brightly
in front of the canoe

ice-cube jugs
sweating our night out
in the patio heat

her fifteenth
I loosen the time home
on our daughter

autumn turned
the Maples got naked
before I knew it

guessing the size
of a shooting star...
our dog slips his leash

roof completely winter
the patches of moulds
unwashed by the rain

school vacation
they re-fill their dives
into the river

leaves in the wind
the thousand chases
around our school yard

Frangipani night
a butterfly finds the scent
to my candle

the heat of the night
feeling at these beach waves
just to lose them

the moth's
whole silent purpose
eggs to the forest

rising from the sea
to see into it
the streaks of dawn

in winter fogs
the creep of tram lights
being born

autumn burning
the smoke of backyards
streets away

Wet Sunday ...
parts of the newspaper
in every room.

The stone eyes
in his face
at friendly poker.

Sunset sinks
a brumby splashes through the river
to the cool green hills.

temple grounds
the smile of the Buddha
wanes with the moon

Total fire ban
flame-tree leaves
litter the park.

Ocean mist
then comes the deeply rising singing
of the whales.

Country road

almost home cows sashaying

with their udders.

the maples falling
we spoon the warmth
of mum's raspberry pie.

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